Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring is here . . praise God!

We have put off cutting the grass long enough and had to bite the bullet and get it done! We pulled out the old lawnmower and weedeater and cut our acre today. The lady who owned our property before us loved flowering plants, so every Easter we are blessed to have hundreds of blooms of yellow lilies. After cutting grass and while J was still weedeating, I picked some flowers and put them in a vase for the kitchen table. The last picture is a very upset Baylie because I was keeping her away from the flowers.

I love Easter Monday, not only because I am off for the day, but it just feels so relaxing to be in the joy of Easter, Resurrection.

Joy is reigning in my heart.

Laughter has been my companion.

My heart is light.

Oh, while I was outside the dragonflies were everywhere! Not just one or two, but hundreds. Everytime that happens, my heart just forgets to beat.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.

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