Monday, October 26, 2015

trunk or treat 2015


We had a whirlwind of a day but Momma remembered an hour before this that today was the trunk or treat Smile  DaddyO and Momma made it happen for this fun fella!  Love my smart and feisty little firefighter!



Joseph & Gauge had a fantastic time hanging out together!


It is hard work fighting fires, a ice cream cone did the trick to help him recoup!!!


Friday, October 23, 2015

My favorite Pumpkins :) 2015












He is checking out his costume Smile He was happy with it, just did not want to stop long enough to take a picture!


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Our struggle

Joseph's transition to life outside of our home in to a school setting has proven very difficult and in our desperation we have been seeking support.  He no longer goes to the local school because of concerns there, he is likely going to discontinue his current preschool/daycare (1/2 days a few days a week) because of concerns, and we have sought out help from multiple sources.  We have a OT that sees Joseph weekly, but that is proving to be a slow process, but thankfully he ADORES her.

My mother's heart is in such pain and I am just giving that pain to Jesus.  It just seems that my very sweet boy is struggling so much and when he acts out lately, I am not always quick to recognize that and instead mirror his anger and frustration.  I need help, we all do, to help him find success.  I love my boy with my whole heart.  His Daddy is bringing him to school this morning and I am on my way out the door.

His meltdowns and sometimes aggressive behavior when he feels a lack of control over his own body and environment have been somewhat present since February and while we thought we were getting to the root of the problem, we are just discovering it.  We can calm him down, but the process is laborious, sad, and sometimes the damage is done already.  Our family needs prayers and miracles.  God has already answered so many of our prayers and I know that this one will also be answered.

God is GOOD!  All the time.

Saint Louis & Saint Zelie Martin, please pray for Jessy and I as we love our boy always and find and be the support he needs!  Amen.

Fun with friends at the park!




Kalamazoo Zoo

On Saturday, Oct 17, 2015, Jessy thought it would be fun to bring Joseph to the zoo.  It was such a fun day to go tot the zoo, he has the best ideas!  The weather was perfect, the animals were all moving and playing, and there were no huge crowds.

Joseph loves trains, so we were sure to buy two tickets for us each, one for when we arrived and one for before we came home.  I love this picture below of them two looking at one another, a million reasons why I love them both so much rushes through my heart when I see this image.


There is joy like no other when I see these two loving life!












We tried so hard to get a picture of the three of us, yet there was always one of us missing some part of our face.  No mater what the pictures look like, the joy is evident!!!  I love my family!





We stopped at a pizza place ( one of our favorites) and enjoyed some pizza.  With the idea of keeping him distracted for a few SECONDS, he held the camera and took a picture of Jessy & I.



After he took this picture of me (one that I would normally delete because I don’t feel beautiful in it) he proclaims with all sincerity as he looks at the camera picture of the above photo “Awww, you are so beautiful.”  He completely melted my heart and reminded me that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that he recognizes beauty by love.  I pray that he always sees as God sees because I imagine that God finds me beautiful too, even on my worst day.