Saturday, April 10, 2010

It's Saturday!!

I got to sleep in today, leisurely make some breakfast, and now have a hallmark movie on and playing on the computer. What a day so far!
I really need to clean my house, the floors needs to be cleaned and the laundry needs to be done. I am procrastinating :)
Yesterday was adventerous! I had a ridiculous encounter with the lady I work with and I seriously don't know what is keeping me there? Fear, Hope? I was ready to just quit when she just would not stop getting in my face over an imagined offense. I heard that she lost her temper with another person and they were forced to confront her on it. Maybe she thought she could take out her anger on me, but I am no longer a target. I just stand my ground and keeping praying for the change that I have been promised from above by the one who can create a change in the dynamics of the office.
Other adventures that happened included planting some new flowers, adding bird feeders and hummingbird feeders and filling them, doing some mild yard work which resulted in a HUGE suprise! I picked up a gardening brick close to my porch and found a long, coiled ground rattler. I dropped the brick back on it (it did not move when I discovered it) then I ran into the house to get J and told him it was an emergency ;) He got a shovel, lifted the brick, and killed the offending snake!! I kept thinking it was a nest and so J had to keep using the shovel. Finally, they were all gone and he finished the work I started with the bricks. We then cooked a great little supper, watched a movie, and headed to bed. Planting flowers always make me happy!!!
I was also able to get my lab results from PPVI yesterday too. They are staying pretty consistent. I think that I should be thankful for that.
On the April 7, 2010 draw, the p4 was 27.5 and the estradoil was 25.9. I am at p+11 right now, thank goodness. Last month it was p4 - 27.7, estradoil - 27.5. I really wished I would know more about those numbers, but then again I would probably be driving myself crazy. Right now, I am pretty relaxed.
We are going on a date night with some friends to see "Date Night" and to have dinner! I love days filled with good friends :)


  1. Have a great time at the movie theater!

  2. OMgoodness. I would have wet myself to see a snake like that. So was it a nest? Yikes.

  3. Yah!!!! Snakes, I can't stand them. Another reason I don't think I could ever live in the south. We have snakes up here, but mostly just the gardener snakes and some others that are more dangerous, but not as many as down south. I think our cold winters kind of freeze them out - also no scorpions up here! Praise God! I am glad your husband came and helped you out! Sorry about the incident at work - such patience and faith you have! I would probably have steam coming out of my ears!

  4. I would have been so freaked out, but since dh is afraid of snakes, not sure if he would have been any help! lol
    As far as the numbers, they are great. All I know is what PPVI tells me-that over 13 on both is good (something close to that-I think estrogen is anything over ten). Happy gardening! I hope there are no more unwelcome guests!
