Monday, April 19, 2010


the doctors just called with the beta hcg numbers from today's draw. The result was 1032. They are rising appropriately according to my local doc and Dr. H. Yet, the doctors disagree on when to do the next u/s. I suppose I will be going with Dr. H's diection on redoing it in one week.

Come on, PPVI, at least let me enjoy to joy of 1032 before telling me you are concerned about the inconclusive u/s report. Dear God, make all things good! Amen.


  1. Woo hoo!!!!! Great HCG results! Praise God!

  2. lil bit is growing!!!!!!! Can you believe it?????????? yiippppeee!@!!

  3. wonderful numbers! can't wait to hear continuing good news!

  4. Yea! Great numbers!
    When did the other doctor want to do the u/s again?

  5. That is wonderful results. I am so happy for you. It is so amazing to hear...please keep us posted. I am dying to hear how things are going for you :)

    Many prayers,

  6. Wow! This is all so amazing. And these great numbers, along with the almost prophetic Sunday gospel experience that you recounted in your last post.... well, it's just the most astounding and joyful thing!! I am just praying and praying for this little one and for you. I think it's time that one of your babies makes it all the way into your loving arms!

  7. Great numbers! When do the doctors think the u/s should be? Praying!
