Thursday, July 29, 2010

Over the Moon!!!

All I can do is laugh!!!

Our baby is already a huge ham :)

We waited and waited for him/her to change positions, but they just kept "mooning" us!!!

It is actually comical now! We tried two different times and even though there was a big jumping bean in my belly, they remained modest :)

The u/s tech actually seemed to think that the baby's parts we were looking for were rught under my belly button and therefore made for a very shadowy image!

So for now, we continue to wait!! It did my heart so much good to see them on that screen and hearing their amazing heartbeat (156 bpm)!!!

Thanks for all the prayers today, we are still amazed that we are at this point in our lives that we are even blessed to be having a baby to see on the u/s!!


  1. Glad LB is doing well. That's hilarious and he/she was mooning you and not showing the "goods".

  2. I would die!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGOSH!!!!!!!!!

    When are you going back to find out! hahahaha

    I can't handle the suspense! It's killing me. hahahaha Glad to see the babes living it up and already being stubborn! ;)

  3. At least you weren't told the WRONG gender! J/K...I know it must be difficult to wait. But worth it :)

  4. Too cute!! Yes, belly buttons create a ton of shadowing, unfortunately.

  5. Charlie faced my back at EVERY u/s when he got to be about 20 weeks and they told me good thing we didn't want to know. I thought Sew's baby might do this b/c she is so anxious to know gender, but not yours! :)

  6. Thanks ladies!!! It was a grand day and all I can do is love this precious baby even more with their little personality ;)

  7. So funny! What a sweet little one!! ha! What an amazing day!
    Do you go back to find out, or do you just wait now, till birth?

  8. So funny! I love that the baby was mooning you!!!

  9. Hey girl! Just getting caught up on your last few posts -- boy did I miss a lot! First, I'm so glad Little Bit continues to grow and do well, even if he or she is keeping you in suspense for a little longer! Sounds like it was an entertaining u/s nonetheless! I cannot wait to find out pink or blue!!! What a sweet blessing either way.

    Next, I am so relieved that you didn't let the grumpy lady walk all over you. I think you have a heart of gold that you did that even as long as you did. Hopefully she will find some new help and decide that she should be much nicer to them. (It actually reminded me of the way my grandmother treats my sweet mom.) :(

    I hope you will enjoy your days at home, but know that I'm praying for your job situation to be resolved very soon. Love ya!

  10. I brought a big thing of orange juice with me to my u/s because if they couldn't tell the gender I was going to down the OJ and hope it would make him move around! But I was desperate because I wouldn't have gotten another u/s, so it was our one and only chance to find out.

    I can't wait to know what you're having!

  11. I can't wait to hear the news. Such a cute story though :) I am so happy to hear things are going well, YEH!


  12. Sorry, late to the party, I am just getting caught up on the blogs after being on vacation! I am sorry the little one was being "discreet"! Oh, well, it just adds some more fun, huh? When is your next ultrasound? I hope all continues to go well. God Bless you!

  13. What a card! The suspense is crazy, can't wait until your next ultrasound.
