Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Visit to the Vet

It has been time for Baylie to get her annual shots (she is now 14 mo. old)!! Well, I have to make a special trip (22 miles) from home just to bring her and it is the only thing that I can really do in town on a day she is with me in the car. We usually try to get the most out of each trip to town, but twice a year we just make the trip for her shots or Daisy's shots and QUICKLY return!!

Putting her in the carrier was a HUGE endeavor :O!!! I ended up with more cat hair on me than on her it seemed. I did have my hair in a nice ponytail but it was all falling out and then I had a cute pink shirt filled with cat hair and I just had to get it over with. I did not back track. I just went to the vet looking like a mess. She seemed like she was in trauma - she cried almost the whole way there, I ended up opening the carrier a bit and let her rest her head on my hand! That did not last long because she was using all of her 9lb strength to get out of that carrier. I had to hurry, zip it back up, and stay on the road. I did not bring the bigger carrier because it is heavier and these days I don't like lifting heavy things.

So, once we get there- she does well but cries with the last shot. It broke my heart. How will I bring my baby to get their shots, only by the grace of God :)

She DID NOT utter a peep the whole way home!!! Once she got home, I gave her some treats, Daisy too! She checked out the wicked pet carrier - from the outside, of course and immediatley began pestering Daisy! I thought for sure she would go hide under the bed and sleep it off, but no, she is laying in my lap as I am typing this!! She is one funny cat. Gotta love her!

No more shots or vet visits (I hope) until Daisy's in January. That ought to be fun, she is the bigger of the two. My husband is going to have to help with that one!!


  1. Clearly you're getting lots of practice for what the future will bring! Your little kitty babies are so lucky to have a momma with such a big heart.

  2. Yeah...my cat "furs" me when I take him to the vet. He will get into the carrier...he knows three things will happen when he gets in the carrier..either he will be visiting the vet, seeing my parents or getting a bath at Pet.smart. He hops right in...meows to the vet (which for me is five whole minutes), meows the whole time at the vet and like your kitty...says nothing on the way back. We love our animals...we do what we have too. Now giving him the steriod shots monthly ourselves will be a feat in in itself...hmmm.....

    It's funny but the few vets he's seen (now we are sticking to one) say you cat is giving me that "If looks could kill" look. He tolerates the vet...barely...but he does try..as long as I hold him. :)

  3. Oh, cats don't like cars, we have found out the hard way! Sigh! Such a sweet picture. Yep, it's good preparation for baby shots... And we will pray you through those!!!

  4. Sorry you had to deal with taking the cat to the vet. I'm glad you don't have to do it again for a while.
