Saturday, July 10, 2010

Celebrating Life

Today was a fun day!

I was able to meet a fellow blogger, Stacey, from Stacey's Thoughts on Infertility at her Baby Shower!!!!

What a complete miracle!!!

It is completely amazing that God has brought so many friendships together simply because we have all carried the cross of IF and loss!! Praise God that we were gathered today to celebrate her little girl's life, Lily Rae!! There were tears of joy shared at how God has moved mountains and been the true strength in helping my dear friend find herself at this joyous day - celebrating life in her own womb!!!

I remember when she made her pregnancy announcement with Lily!! I was so excited for her and her dear husband!! Congratulations Stacey!! You and your husband are going to be amazing parents and it was so glorious to see you all celebrating the precious life of Lily!

On a side note, it was my first ever Baby Shower being pregnant and I still cried . . . but this time there were tears of joy for my friend, the one I blogged with and just met today for the first time!! She has been such a supporter and encourager and I am blessed by this new found friendship!!

May God's richest blessings surround your family, Stacey!! Thank you for allowing me to celebrate with you all today!!

Of course, I forgot my camera!! It was a miracle I got there on time with the gift in hand! Hopefully she will post some pictures when she has time!!

I have always said that God's handprints are all over our blogs - God has called us to pray for one another and to celebrate with one another!! I remember years ago listening to Joy.ce on the radio and she said we have to pray for God to send us holy friends - those who share our jouney and understand our goals to glorify Him! At that time, I was feeling overwhelmed being an IF girl in a world of abundant fertility! I remember praying for my future friends for a long time and all of you precious bloggers are an answer to that plea to God!! I am so thankful that God did answer that prayer!!


  1. I agree - this blogger community is such a gift! I was especially moved by your most recent comment on my blog, that you very much. You were completely right, it was right where I needed to be - even if it was painful. I love the name Lily - that is beautiful! Have you guys started talking about names yet? (I don't need to know...but am just curious about the process other couples go to pick names.) I hope you have a great rest of the weekend and I can't wait to hear about YOUR baby shower! God Bless and thank you for your friendship through cyberspace!

  2. JBTC -
    We have a boy's name picked out and we thought we had the right girl name and now we are discerning b/t two girl names ;) We don't know the gender yet, but we told our family and friends we would reveal the baby's name when we find out if our baby is a son or daughter!! We are hoping to know at the end of the month :)

    It is very weird to think of a baby shower but at the same time exciting!! Praise God there are people who want to shower us and plan one for our baby!

    So glad I could offer some support, you are going through such a hard time right now, but remember you are "going through", you will not be staying there!!! xoxo

  3. What a joyful post! This made me smile. This blog community is so amazing and I am so happy for all the blessings that have been received!

  4. I continue to be so happy for you and can't wait to hear about your shower! Sending you my prayers...

  5. This post left me with a smile on my face. What an awesome venue to meet--especially for two formerly IF girls!

  6. What a great post! How wonderful that you and Stacey got to celebrate the upcoming birth of Lily, and you don't have too much longer before you have your own shower.

  7. Hello friend! I'm just seeing this post and reading it with fresh tears in my eyes! Seeing you at the shower was the first moment that made me cry -- tears of joy, of course. Thank you for writing this sweet post. I'm going to write one with pics soon, just keeping busy with our nephew this week.

    Thanks again for your friendship and years of support and prayers for us and this baby. We are so excited about your miracle as well! Thanks for celebrating Lily with us! Much love to you!

    (And many thanks to your blog friends for these sweet comments!)
