Friday, July 9, 2010

Good Things

Yesterday was a good day. Praise God, I need those!

I was able to help someone with some work that they needed and they took me out to lunch afterwards. It was nice to visit and it is so great to know that I can be friends with people of all ages.

I then headed to the library and checked out two books on pregnancy. Yes, I am just curious about what to "NOT" worry about. I am feeling so much more confidient and happy! Praying that the good health continues for both the baby and I.

I even got to check out two pretty decent DVDs to watch over the weekend. Free. I love the sound of "FREE"!

I then headed over to my mom's house to take her to pay a few bills and to look for some things for her house at Ros.s and Targe.t. We had a great time. At the first stop, she got down to pay her gas bill and as I was looking around - I saw something in the grass and I thought I was losing my mind. What I saw looked like cash, so I got out of the vehicle and walked to the grassy area and it was cash!!! I found a $20 bill. I was as excited as if I would have won the lottery :) Funny thing is, I was planning to buy a bulk amount of tp to keep in the closet (we like the really soft, thick kind and when it is on sale we buy it and store it) and so this was my ticket :) I was even able to spend the rest of the money on a jar of pickles (hahaha - don't leave a store without them) and some other housecleaning things! Fun!! Then my mom bought me two nice sleeveless shirts that she found at Targe.t for me that are long enough to cover the maternity panel on the shorts I have :) Woo Hoo! I am not particulary gaining weight, as much as it is shifting. I have actually been losing weight, despite eating regular meals. I was always on the heavy side, so I think the experts beleive that this is perfectly normal. Praise God.

So far today, I have done almost nothing. I woke up at 9am - I love my sleep these days and can barely make myself stay up now. I cleaned the kitchen, washed towels, stripped the bed and washed the sheets - maybe that is why I am not in bed :) I need to wait for them to dry then I can crawl in! I really can't fathom only getting a few hours of sleep a night. One day at a time though. I am just so lazy . . . I barely could get myself dressed to drive to the post office. I am also fighting some crazy sinus/allergy things and it makes my head hurt. I have been sneezing alot, I just wish it would stop!!

I got the call from the nurse yesterday that my progesterone levels are looking good, they were drawn on 7/6/10 and my level then was 39.2 (almost zone 3). I was so happy. That was the highlight of my day, I will continue on my meds (PIO and oral prog. 2xd) and do another draw in two weeks. We shall see. I was almost hoping that I could decrease some of the meds, but I am just not sure. Is anyone on the Glucophage/Metformin during their pregnancy? One more thing, when do they usually try to start weaning you off of the t3? Is that around 24/26 weeks? These are the things that have been on my mind!

On of my most fun finds yesterday at R.oss was a super cute, very girly crib sheet!!! It was only $2.99 and precious! My mom was buying a tablecloth and placemats so she spoiled me and picked it up ;) It is the first thing I bought that is girly, I know that I should not have done so, but I figured I could always pass it on to a friend for a shower gift as needed it if we are blessed with a precious boy :) Or, I can always donate it.


  1. Hey there, just a lurker but wanted to let you know I am on Met with my current (2nd) pregnancy. I had a different OB during my first 4 years ago and she advised me to stop immediately. I was taking it for PCOS/IR issues and TTC as well, which it did:)

    I was a bit perplexed as to why my new OB would keep me on it, with no plans to discontinue. It really did a number on me thinking I was taking this med during such critical development. I have not ever miscarried and wasn't at risk other than the PCOS but perhaps this is the protocol now. I think one of the advantages though is it will really help with unhealthy weight gain for me and baby. I am already starting this pregnancy out overweight and I think the met is/will help keep that sugar from going crazy:)

    And as comforting as it was to know some women found met to cut down on MC risk, it still bothers me every night to take that pill.

  2. why on earth would you wean from the T3? If you needed it, the baby needs it too and therefor it's important to keep taking it. This is really confusing me........Is this normal Hilgers protocol?

  3. Barbie, I am not sure - really. I thought that I read on some of the other ladies blogs that he d/c this med for them at a certain stage. Not really sure. If my memory is right, I think a nurse from ppvi did tell me that later the t3 will be d/c. This is just me putting out my thoughts. Plus, I think that Dr. H does things on a case by case basis.

    Brenda, I did find some research on the internet that said that it (met/glucophage) does help with reducing my risk for gestational diabetes which is exactly the reason Dr. H is keeping me on it. Thanks for your input!

  4. Barbie, it is a normal protocol....It's so sad. The patients, from what I have seen, do not benefit from it at all. Their thyroid levels tank.

    Love how God winked at you today! His abundance! Great progesterone numbers!!! So exciting! 16 weeks!!!! So exciting!

  5. I'm glad things are going well. I hope you can find out about the meds stuff soon. I don't really know about it in pregnancy.

  6. I'm on t3 and PPVI told me to discontinue at 28 weeks, which is next week for me. They said they do not recommend that in the baby's system and to stop at 28 weeks so the baby isn't born with it in his/her system. Same with the synthroid (other thyroid med I'm on). I'm happy to stop, even though I might get tired. It sounds like it's not good for the baby. Maybe I'll start again after breastfeeding? Not sure.
