Friday, July 16, 2010

Prayers needed for a friend!**UPDATE**

I know we have some powerful prayer warriors, so I am asking your help.

We have a dear friend, Fr. W, who had a terrible accident and is now critical care, on Life Support and has many 3rd degree burns. He needs our prayers for healing!!!

Please pray!!!

He is now in stable condition and his family has been told that he has burns on 22% of his body. He was at a 24hr Fitness Club and fell around the sauna area and I belelive he fell on the heating element/coals and when he fell, he became unconcious. He was there for abou 20 min before someone found him and at that time his body temp was up to 106. Our prayers are working and I greatly appreciate them. He has always been such a caring priest and loves his church very much. We also need to pray for his parish and parishoners.