Tuesday, July 20, 2010

One day at a time

Well, I have to get that miserable title off of my blog about yesterday's experience.

Everyone I have talked to beleive that it is all nuts, but what can I do?

So, I managed to get myself out of the house today, did my labwork, and brought my resume to a couple places. There was definitely some humility going on in my life today and in the days past. I can't get over the fact that in one of my meditations for the rosary the spiritual gift related to the Nativity (bith of Jesus) is poverty. It is funny that I never thought seriously of poverty being a spiritual gift, but I guess in time, God will show me it's graces.

I think that tomorrow I will go and get the application for subbing at some schools close to my house. I really want something flexible and my husband is really encouraging for me to start school to get my teaching certification. I should have done this many years ago, but TTC was paramount. All I can do is trust that God has me exactly where he wants me to be at this time in my life.

I did have a better day, overall. I went to lunch with my mom, aunt, and my two cousins that I am especially close to, so it was a blessing to see them. I did order a salad, but I think that great bread they served before the meal was what put me over the edge. I was literally sick for putting to much food into my belly. My stomach is shrinking (which is a good thing) but I am still adjusting to it. I was supposed to go shopping with my mom afterwards, but I was wiped out. I ended up just coming home and taking a huge nap.

When my husband called to tell me he was on his way home, I tried to wake up (hahaha - what a lazy bum I am becoming). We ended up going to visit his parents tonight and got to see my sister in law and my godson, G. It was fun to hang out with them this evening. Praise God for good family visits. G is now 21 months and just so much fun right now.

While there we heard about a family who had a failed adoption recently and I was just so sad for them, I still can't understand why some families - couples facing IF - have to experience so many hardships. They were there at the hospital for the birth and paid so much to help care for the brithmom during her pregnany. It was just so sad, I will be praying for this couple for a long time. If you wish, you can join me - their name is Des and Josh. I pray that God rewards them with a child very soon.

I am telling you - the suffering of IF, m/c, adoption loss never leave your soul, you are forever changed. I have to say, God must have a reason for letting us suffer - the love He has for us never changes though.

Prayers continue, God's plans are being unfolded every second of the day!


  1. ugh I'm so sorry for your friends! that is so very hard.

    I'm glad your spirits are higher today!

  2. "adoption loss never leave your soul, you are forever changed"...do you mean for adoptees, if so it's very true?
    Perhaps you will see from your friends 'who paid so much' that it isn't about money.

  3. Von, that is completely heartless! What a horrible comment to leave. You have no idea the heartache of these wonderful women on the IF blogs, and they have nothing but love for every one of the people involved in an adoption, including the birthmom and the baby! You must have a very deep wound, and I am sorry for that, but that is a terrible comment to leave.

  4. von,
    No intention was meant to say that the only loss from this failed adoption was the loss of money. This couple invested the time, talent, and treasure in supporting this young woman who was making a life changing decision. They are not grieving the loss of money, they are grieving the loss of a child they had already come to love.
    Every adoptive parent I know loves their child and their child's birthparents and pray for them daily. It is not just about what they get out of it, but how God reveals himself in allowing graces to change all of their lives.
    If you do not find yourself able to share the vision of caring for all people in all circumstances in the love of Christ, you are more than welcome to d/c reading my blog.
