Sunday, January 4, 2009


I had a mini-breakdown with my husband today and even when I was agruing with him, I quickly told him that I am not saying all of this because of PMS so don't even try to blame it on that!!! I did not use unkind words, but I simply told him how I felt about a particular sore subject for me. We made up very quickly, but the discussion was necessary. I really believe that he understood where I was coming from and that was a tremendous relief. The problem is I typically get very irritable right before cd 1 makes the grand entrance and I don't really want it make it's appearance, so that makes me a little angry too. I am not angry as I write this, I am just sort of not feeling anything. I have no physical indications that cd 1 is near, so I am wondering if the hcg injections are behind this new change? I really don't want to have cd 1 show up in the next few days and give my husband the excuse to say that my breakdown was just my hormones. It was a big issue that will affect our futures and although today may not have been the best time to share my concerns about it, it is better now than just putting it off. Good thing we are both pretty good about not letting issues go unresolved for very long. Regardless as to why I chose today to bring up those issues, I know that God needed me to share them with DH so that it is not something that will fester. Lately when we disagree and really talk it out and listen to one another very well, we are growing so much! Neither one of us likes confrontation, but sometimes it is necessary and I can see God really working in us in making our marriage stronger. We had a very dear priest who officiated for our wedding 8 1/2 years ago and in the homily he mentioned that his parent's just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversay and on that occassion, he asked them what is the secret to a happy marriage - to making to 50 years? His mom's response was "Forgive, forgive, forgive." His dad's response was "Whatever she said!" We still laugh about that today.
Dearest Abba,
Bless us where we are and prepare us to get to where you want us to be. Amen.


  1. Oh hon, I'm sorry. *hugs* Keeping you in my prayers as you go over these emotional hurdles.

  2. I always say that to my husband! I am on such a rollercoaster with my hormones that you could easily blame my mini-breakdowns on that! And usually it would be true :)

    I hope you are feeling better. I am a big fan of getting things out in the open, rather than letting them fester. I hope cd 1 stays away for a very long time.

  3. I understand! COMPLETELY! I wish I didn't like confrontation! Thank God my husband is a lover and not a fighter! I fight for both of us! :) He just sits there and looks at me like I am crazy! :)

    I don't want it to come either. I really, really don't! Isn't 8 1/2 years ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!!!!

  4. I know for me that hormones just make what I want to say easier to say. Its like it is all at the surface. I hope you get a BFP!!

  5. Hi- nice to "meet you" - good stumbling to find my blog. You must have had to read back through the archives to find our story. We are super blessed by our NaPro miracle. She just took a long time (even after my surgeries) to arrive. I had a laparoscopy in 6/05 and a laparotomy in 9/05. We conceived the end of Dec 06. Prayers for you in your journey. NaPro is a tremendous blessing.

  6. Thank you for reading my blog and caring enough to leave me a comment today. I always enjoy having new followers and will look forward to following yours as well. Blogging has been a real source of support and knowledge for me. It has also been an outlet for my emotions, whether up or down.

    My thoughts and prayers will be with you. For my husband and I, there is so much we learn about each other every day, which I don't ever think will change. :)

    Lots of smiles and blessings,
