Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Full Day

I am just writing to give a little update. I sent a note by fax today to the nurses at the PPVI explaining my concerns and I asked them to just leave me a message since I would have to be away from my phone for the funeral. Well, the nurse called me back and the info she shared had me very confused. I charted that my peak day for this cycle was on 12/24. I, then had green baby stamps for the P+1, P+2, and P+3. On P+3, I started my hcg injections and contiued them on P+5, 7, & 9. Well, immediately the next morning after the first shot, I had very fertile mucus for that day. Next day, green. Did next shot and immediately got fertile mucus that evening. Keep in mind that when I first talked to the nurse at PPVI, she told me that this could sometimes happen with the hcg injections. I did not worry about it and charted it just for what it was. No worries. Well, now the nurse (my favorite one there and the easiest one to understand) is telling me that the possible reason my progesterone was so low on the p+7 draw was because it appears that I may have had a double peak this cycle and consequently, possibly did the shots and blood draw on the wrong day. I really don't know what to think right now! It is not bad news in the end, it just could possibly mean that I messed up caring for myself this cycle. I am still hopeful and not really down about it, just a little frustrated with myself for not being totally in sync with my body and knowing what it is doing. If this nurse is correct, I am only nine days post peak and at a very awkward place. I can't do any shots, bc my timing is past and I can't do a P+7 draw bc the timing is off! What is a girl to do??? It can only get better from here! I am claiming it. My husband and I are still very much in denial and thinking that we judged the p day correctly and we could have possibly been blessed with new life. In many ways, this time has been filled with new life! New hope! New dreams! I keep wondering what my reaction will be when I am finally lucky enough to be shocked with a positive pregnancy test! I envisioned how we will celebrate, share the news, and prepare for a baby! This has been a very good time for me and too think, I am only assuming I am a few days late. God is going to have a grand time laughing at me we are blessed with our babies. I am going on so much.
I will end on a very happy note by saying that I was so blessed today! I have been praying for the intercession of prayers to St. Therese and today, I was given a beautiful lavender rose (in full bloom) and thought "Wow, my prayers are being heard. Thank you for this small affirmation." But then I looked around and I was surrounded by beautiful flowers of all kinds! Talk about affirmation!
Thanks for all of your encouraging words, especially the ones that let me know that you all are praying for me no matter what the outcome will be! Sometimes, I think that the fact that I have been on this journey for so long might discourage some of you, but I am reminded that we have just really begun. We are just now really getting the chance to be fertile!


  1. A full bloom lavendar Rose in the middle of winter!? I love it!!!!

    It's funny because I read your story and it is confusing. I mean confusing in how can this happen? But then it reminds me especially in what I struggle with is that we can be as prepared as we want-God is still in control. :)

  2. Sew, you are completely right! I am not letting it steal my joy though! You are also right about reminding me how little I can control. I had to completely surrender this cycle to God bc we were just so far in left wing apparently :(

  3. Geez i thought i was reading my post of my previous cycle where i screwed up my peak day and there for my injections were off!! I'm sorry but i thought it was funny because i've totally been there (been off) however, this time around though I wasn't off...I MISSED IT completely!!! so no injections for me this cycle. I'm utterlly upset anyway I'm telling you this here so you don't feel too bad but you're pretty good at leaving it in God hands!! Your way stronger and encouraging :).
    Praying for ya.

  4. Aw, I wish I could offer some advice. But, it is not something that I have been through. My journey is fairly new to infertility technology. However, I would like to say that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. We can be the best planners, and sometimes unfortunately these things happen. Keep your faith strong, and you will make it through. I agree with Sew Infertile that God is in control and sometimes we have to be reminded of that. :)
    Thank you for all of your support, I really enjoy getting to read your comments that you leave me. They make my day. :)
    Hugs and blessings,
    Stacey :)

  5. I love how you are looking at this as a positive thing NO MATTER WHAT. It is so beautiful to see your trust in the Lord in all things, even the most difficult.

    I pray that you were right in id'ing your Peak, and that you will get the surpise of a lifetime very soon! And as you said, even if not, you can feel your prayers being answered and you know that your blessing is right around the corner.

    I, too, am doing another Novena to St. Therese. I love her affirmations :)

  6. You are so great, I love reading your hopeful blogs especially when I am feeling anything but hopeful! Your journey doesn't discourage me, although I've only just begun I imagine it's God pulling me closer to Him just like you and many other women have experienced.

    Don't I know how frustrating it is to receive conflicting information when you're TTC...the stories we could share lol
