Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Little Freaked Out w/ Update

Okay, so I had this wonderful weekend planned. We were going to spend the day with some friends on Saturday by going to lunch and a local boat and RV show, but our day was stopped short bc our friends that we were with got a call that their business had been broken into and trashed on Friday evening. Then we were going to make a homemade low-fat chicken pizza for dinner, but while I was tending to the baby (we were babysitting my youngest godchild who is nearly 3 mo.) my husband got distracted and the pizza turned out to be very dry. Not that it mattered bc my hands were too full with caring for the baby to really eat. The poor little one is teething and was so miserable. He is too young for baby orajel, so we just tried some old tricks to console him. Overall he was very happy and content, but he fought his sleep bc his parents forgot to pack his little musical seahorse that goes to sleep with. We did not think it would be too big of a deal, but apparently we did not know how much he liked that seahorse. He would take short catnaps with me, but once I would put him in our playpen to rest, he would scream and cry. He did not do this with us the other times we kept him. We were at a loss of how to console him and really thought maybe he is just too young to be away from his parents for this long, so we called them to come by and get him before they headed home. We had planned for them to pick him up today at 11am, but we did not want him to be so uncomfortable for too long. By the time we called them they were able to have about 6 1/2 hours by themselves, so I think that was a good enough amount of time for them to rest and enjoy one another. When they did arrive at our home, he was quiet with me but when I gave him to her he just cried for another 2o minutes fighting his sleep, but then wimpered out! Finally the poor little guy could get some good rest.!

But now for the reason I am so freaked out. Once I relaxed when he left - it was around 1 am, but we were so wound up we could not sleep, I realized that my belly was hurting me. I have a very large scar from my surgery in Sept. 08 and just to the right of it, there was some soreness. I thought maybe the way I was holding him or with him kicking while he was playing and being fed that maybe I got kicked in a certain spot and did not realize it. Still to this day, I am tender around my incision area. I thought that I could sleep it off, but it just continued to be present through the night and when I woke up this morning, it felt a little bloated in that one area and warm to the touch. It took some tylenol and stayed home from church. Then I put some cold compresses on it. Right now, I am sitting in my recliner with the cat b/t my legs and a bag of frozen vegetables on my belly. It is not unbearable pain, but it really freaks me out. It is still swollen. It is not showing any red on the surface of my skin even though it continues to remain warmer than the rest of my bellly when I do not have the cold compresses on. I was afraid of an infection and not tending to it right away. I really think I can wait to see what Dr. Hilgers nurse would recommend when I call them tomorrow. I was planning to call anyway to get some input of my musus pattern this month, bc yesterday it was just tacky clear and today it returned to stretchy clear. I don't want to stress and end up with another double peak. I am on cd 16 and I have been having Fertile cm for the last several days. Don't have my chart to give specifics right now.

Back to another reason I am freaked out is bc I wonder how my incision will handle a growing belly bc of a much desired for pregnancy! Please just keep me and J in your prayers bc I am likely driving him nuts right now. He is so good about helping me not worry, but right now I was mad that he wasn't as worried as I was!!!!

Anyway, I am going to try to add a few pics of the little one we had last night to show that there were some good moments and we are not completely inept at caring for children. Which is what I felt last night. I felt like we were saying "we are losers, we can't take care of your little boy for even one night by ourselves! Maybe we should not be PARENTS." But then I realized that we are doing what is best for him by getting his parents to come get him so his little body could rest!

UPDATE: My husband went to town and took my vehicle so that he could be up a few groceries and some fuses bc his truck needed a fuse replaced so that his windshield wipers would work. They stopped working on Thurs. Well, he went to three different places and made it to the third and picked up the groc. and when he tried to start my vehicle, it won't start! His dad is going to meet him to see what the problem is. Please say a prayer for him is overwhelmed and so am I! We both work about 30-40 min away from our home and go in different directions so this could make for one miserable week. Let's just hope it is something simple and inexpensive!
2nd update: My vehicle is fine. All we needed was a new battery. Good thing I transferred enough money to cover both a new dryer and battery! It's is funny how big purchases come in pairs!


  1. I love you for the good news! I am not sure what I was expecting but for everything that is worth it! And I just told hubby and he didn't shit a brick! Yay!!! :)

    What a stanky little baby! When babies cry in my arms they go right back to Momma so I understand about calling them. :) I would have done the same thing.

    That is wierd about your incision site. How long ago was your surgery again? My has been acting wierd too! ??

  2. I think you made the right decision calling the parents when he was inconsolable... and as parents, I'm sure they would agree and think that you are a NATURAL mommy :)

    What a bummer about the car! I'm glad it's fixed, but sheesh, can't we get a little financial break once in a while?

  3. Glad your car is fixed! Yes it is funny how when one thing breaks it all breaks. But it is nice when nothing breaks! :)

  4. Wow, what a day you had. I am sure that you made the right decision by calling the little one's parents. They probably appreciated it and were grateful for the time that they had together.

    Whew, so glad that the car is all better. :) It makes it rough when the car is down.

    We certainly will keep you in our prayers, you are always there.

    Hugs and blessings,

  5. One more thing...Since I am on a roll calculating my IF bill. Does your insurance cover your HCG? And am I rude to ask you how much that is? And I wonder if there is something else they can give me besides a needle since I get sick and light headed just looking at them. But this is me diagnosing myself!

  6. MUAH! Thanks! It helps take the fear out of the continued treatment if that is what is going to be needed! :)
