Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Day

The day was just a usual day! But what has me soooo happy is that I was able to get a wonderful haircut today! I have the best little lady that does my hair and I was so overdue for a haircut. All these vitamins are making my hair grow so fast, I know I could find other things to complain about. She gave me a spectacular haircut in like 25 minutes. I called my husband to meet me at TOy.sr.us before leaving town to look for a TOnka tractor for our nephew's 5th birthday on Friday. We can't find one anywhere. So I have a $3 coupon that would have expired soon so I bought a cute little bib for my youngest nephew/godchild that said "I love my aunt" on it and it only cost me $1.08. Can't beat that. Then since it was getting a little late, we decided to use our gift certificate that we got from some of our friends to a local steakhouse. The day was pretty unplanned, but it turned out well. And this was all after we got off of work.
My stomach is felling better, but I still feel terribly bloated and the scale is showing that I gained a few pounds in the last week. I am really distraught about it and tried to make better food and activity choices today. I am having some severe pain in my left hip. I also had some serious LAP yesterday. I never had problems with pain with my left hip before. I keep thinking that it is gracing me with it's presence becasue I am about to turn a year older. My birthday is on Sunday - Yes, superbowl sunday. The great thing is that I got my first birthday card from my best friend today. She is in law school and we don't get to see each other too often any more. Then my other two very close friends planned a day out of town for me to go have fun with them to shop and eat in Lafayette. One of them lives in Baton Rouge and the other lives in Lake Charles, so we are meeting in the middle. One of them is picking me up so I don't even have to drive there. I am looking foward to it. J is planning something for Friday evening. I am looking foward to celebrating just being alive! I am going to try to not focus on what I do not have, but what I do have. Sorry that I have been out of commission lately. Just been getting everything ready for a few birthdays coming up and doing our STUPID taxes. The reason I say STUPID is because those doggone taxes are not going to be going to things that I support. Some of it will, but some will not. Then, of course, when I call our lady to schedule the appt, she always asks me "So are their any children yet? " Don't you think I would mention this !!!!! We really appreciate her, so I just told her "WE are still working on it! Maybe NEXT YEAR! God knows we want a baby for more reasone than for deductions, but that would be a bonus! We are forever having to pay extra at the end of the year.

Anyway, this was supposed to be a happy post, so I just have to say that dinner out with my husband and looking at baby stuff at the store (picking out what kind of swing I would want), and getting a fantastic haircut really made my day! Hope you all have something to be thankful for today!


  1. Oh my gosh, I could so relate to the taxes situation! My job screwed up my W-2 form so now DH has to figure out how to get my old check stubs etc. It's such a hassle. In terms of people buggin us IF ladies of when we're going to have a bay, I've just started telling people I'm IF, I like to make them feel stupid, it kind of makes me feel better in a sick kind of way lol.

    I hope you have a SUPER Birthday!

  2. I just want to tell you that your picture is really beautiful. Your hair looks great and I am so glad that you got take the time to get it cut. A hair cut always gives me a sense of renewal. Well, it sounds like you have had an awesome day and an awesome evening with your hubby. Good for you!!! So glad to hear that you are getting treated to an out of town day and that your husband has special plans for you on Friday. I am so excited for you. Please keep us posted on what you get to do. I would love hearing all about it.

    Taxes~ugh!!! I know what you mean.

    Hugs and blessings,

  3. Have a great birthday! I laughed -- out of empathy -- when you said how you can had gained a few pounds in a week. I'm the same way. I exercise, but if I skip a few days... BLAM! Up the scale goes, too. So frustrating. Forget losing for a week... I just want to not gain.. is that too much to ask?? LOL (Love your picture, too! Your hair looks great.)

  4. Hafsa! So funny! I am saying that too! :)

    Have an awesome birthday! YOu are the queen of coupons! OH MY GOSH! I love it! I cut coupons like a crazy woman! It's fun! I feel like I am carrying around a stack of money! My husband takes the receipts in to show one of the ladies at his office how much I save! Its so fun! I love it! :)

    I love getting a good hair cut. I need one so badly. I haven't colored my hair in about five months and I haven't cut it in about 3. So I figured why start now??? I am just going to let it grow until I can't take it anymore! I prayed last night, I know this is so superificial. Too please let me have a good hair day because I am running low on the funds to get my hair did! HA! My hair and make up look great today! How about that! I will take the little things! :)
