Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Good News & Not as good news!

Ok! First of all my cd 1 has not yet made an uninvited appearance! This is a really fun place to be, but also miserable at the same time. I am so very hopeful right now and in the deep recesses of my heart I know that my hope has a purpose and will not disappoint me. This time of hope has something to teach me! I have allowed myself to be hopeful and this is a vulnerable place to be at the moment. I am having some mild cramping and I believe that whatever path I am on, my body is getting better.
Now for the good news. I got my P+7 blood work results today and the nurse reported that my estradial is at a good level and that my ratio is great! My progesterone is low - very low! I was on my way to the funeral home and got the call and even though she had great news to share with me, I could not stop my heart and mind from freaking out becasue of the low progesterone. I just kept thinking that if I was indeed pregnant at the moment, the progesterone is not there to support the pregnancy! My husband told me to think about the fact that two out of three are not bad. I just kept telling myself to focus on the positive! Focus!!! I really trust my doctor and know that he will do his best to care for me and any new life that may grow within in my womb one day (soon)! After continuing to give myself this pep talk, I am actually feeling better. God has a plan in all of this!

If there is anyone out there who can tell me what the ratio could possibly mean, please let me know! I did not ask the nurse because I was too freaked out by the progesterone number and the fact that I was one block away from the funeral home and I was not emotionally stable at the time :(


  1. Wow! How wonderful for you. I am very excited and can hardly wait for more news. :)
    Sometimes I think the reason I tend to make things so negative and hard on myself is the very fact that you had mentiioned, hope allows myself to be open and totally vulnerable. This is something that I strive to change and do much better with.
    Yes, God indeed has a beautiful plan for you. It is my prayer that your dream is coming true. :) Your faith is strong and a model for others.
    God's blessings to you this day. Please keep us posted. My heart yearns for you so much. :)
    Lots of hugs and blessings,
    Stacey :)

  2. Give me your number or I am driving to La and pounding on your door! The patient woman inside of me is being suffocated at the moment, because the psycho woman is screaming get a test to ease your mind???? I am so sorry I had to say it. I know that some women don't like to test because you become a slave to them. I understand that....I would be so tempted? Is that a bad temptation?

    I have no clue what the ratio means. Did they put you on progesterone right away? Or just say it was something that needed to be looked at?

  3. But you are right all and all it is good news.....So if not this cycle you know what to concentrate on for next cycle.

    Lord please lead mazes out of the barren desert!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I can't test with a regular pregnancy test (urine) yet bc of the hcg injections and they said that if my period doesn't start by sat., then I should get a blood test. No, they did not start me on progesterone at the moment! Thank you so much for your prayers :)

  5. I am very excited for you, too!!!

    I hope and pray that this is your month.

    Perhaps you could ask about starting on some prometrium? I am sure your Dr. already recommended that, but if by chance not, it seems it could help you to conceive! (in case you haven't already!)

    Prayers for you.

  6. Sounds pretty good to me! The good news is that they CAUGHT the low progesterone and can now do something about it. The fact that your AF hasn't arrived yet is very good news (not just the obvious), but it means that you have enough progesterone there for the lining to stick around for implantation, and it hasn't shed before that time.
    I hope you have good news to report! If not this week, then I definately see it in the very near future!!

  7. Yup! Everytime I let the psycho woman suffocate the patient one, there is always a reason behind not testing immediately! :) Saturday feels like ions away.

    Did they put you on progesterone? Do you feel like you are running through hoops trying to get your body to do what is was made to do! Geesh!

    I would be boxing myself. :)

  8. I know how hard and how wonderful this time can be - I've gone through it twice in the past year where I thought I could be pregnant. You feel pregnant! And you walk around savoring the possibility! It's wonderful, and you don't want it to end! I always mean to post about that very thing, but it's so hard, I haven't been able to yet.

    I hope this is your month!

  9. No matter what happens this month, think about how far you've come that there is such a REAL possibility that this could be your month! Such an exciting time for you.

  10. I'm praying for you!! I know how you feel!!!
    In whatever happens I hope you feel the Lord's peace in your heart!!
