Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Today at work was incredibly hard.

I am having more difficulty at work and it came completely out of left field.

Not a good combination with all of my wild hormones!!

I will most likely be without a job or maternity care insurance.

I know that God will provide, He always has and he will continue to do so.

I prayed all day long that little bit's heart would just keep beating despite the unimaginable moments I kept encountering.

I ended up breaking down and telling the priest I work with that I was expecting and that was the reason I did not carry a table on friday to the room by myself and why I asked the maintenance guy to do it for me. Yes, that was one of the major complaints he had about me job performance - that I should have not asked for help in getting that table to the dining hall. I clearly told him the reason I did not carry the table was because I am taking all precautions to keep this baby alive!!!!!!!

The other complaint they had about me is that they think I am "tipping" staff off by text message or cell phone calls when their supervisor is planning to do random supervision on the other staff. The priest told me that the associate director thinks that I have been doing this for a long time. This is completely not true and never have I done that. Why would I? I told them it is ridiculous for me to have to defend myself on this. This lady is sick. Something is clearly wrong and the priest told me that she is not recommending that my contract be renewed for the next fiscal year.

I am planning to use as much of my accumulated time off (sick and vacation) to look for a new job.

I got to have spiritual direction today and she challenged me to look at this as a blessing. That God is in this too, not in the evil, but to just trust God.
She and my husband told me that they are just grasping for straws to find something wrong.
I will be trusting God.


  1. A work environment like that can be exhausting and not what you need right now. I hope you find something better soon where they appreciate you for you and all your amazing strengths. Sounds like a ridiculous person to work for and incredibly insulting-I am sorry about that. I would agree, it definitely sounds like they are grasping!

  2. WR, Thanks!

    My confidience has been so shaken lately, thankfully my family and friends remind of who I really am and that I do have something to offer!

  3. I'm so sorry that you're having such a hard time at work. It's tough when you have to work around negative people!!!

    I'm praying for you! You're first responsibility is to keep that baby growing inside you!

  4. Oh C, I'm so sorry about your work situation. I know all too well about toxic work environments including ones connected to the church and how being in that kind of situation can rob your soul of so much. I'm adding a prayer for you to find a much better work situation right away with full benefits.

  5. I used to work with a psycho and it was the worst experience of my life. I used to come to work shaking, not knowing if she was going to be insane and evil that day! It's 20 years and I still get upset to think of it! You don't need that kind of stress now, so it is a blessing in disguise....

    To go from such a happy, magical day (u/s) to this is crazy...I will be praying!!

  6. That is so lame. I hope you find a nice, peaceful work environment soon. This place sounds like it could use some mood stabilizers in the water! J/K

  7. I'm so sorry! I can't believe what you've had to put up with.

  8. Your post brought back the memories of two women at two different work places that did not like me and tried to get me fired. At the second job, my boss told me to watch my back and wondered if I had "jilted" this woman in any way. She thought I was a snob (now if you knew me IRL, I doubt you would think of me that way). Everyone in that office thought of me as a "good" girl meaning I didn't sleep around. I thought if she didn't like me for that reason..fine. However I didn't like that she was trying to get me fired so after my boss informed me of this...I was really uncomfortable, etc. The funny thing is that she ended up getting "canned" when it got around that she was sleeping with the hr mgr. Ha! So...what goes around comes around. I ended up getting promoted, etc. I left that job when I got married a few years later. Pray to the Lord for direction or strength to be confident in defending yourself! I know the econ is rough out there so good luck with finding a new job if that is the direction you need to take. Praying for you!

  9. This sounds crazy to me! I hope you find a better job in the future. a stressful work place can be so draining, more than we realize.

    Praying for you all and baby :)


  10. Life is not fair. It's such a disappointing wonder that people can be so accusative and just plain mean.
