Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Big Scare

Last night I got the worse headache. I was miserable. Then I went to bed before I could take my t3 meds and slept through waking up to take them. The headache lingered and all I could think of was how afraid I was that this was a sign of my progesterone dropping. Last friday's PIO shot left a lot to be desired and all day yesterday I just felt sick to my stomach all day and I kept getting mild cramping off and one during the afternoon. So I woke up this morning knowing that I had to get up super early to go get the P4 draw (done every two weeks) for PPVI and went to the bathroom I saw my biggest fear, a little spotting on the tissue. My heart began racing, I panicked and wanted to just get some progesterone meds in me asap!! haha So I dressed as fast as I could, threw my hair in a ponytail, grabbed a bottle of water and jumped in my car praying the whole time. I drove to the lab, did the draw and went and sat at my doctor's office until she opened up and requested an ultrasound. This morning, I needed someone who could understand my fear and I called on Sew :) She talked down my fear, praise God. What a blessing to have a friend like her! I did go get the ultrasound. I litterally got the u/s done about 8 minutes after getting the order. To say that I was shaking with fear is an understatement. I was still praying to our Blessed Mother asking for her intercession. The tech found the baby right away and Little Bit was jumping away!!!!!!!!! Oh, be still my beating heart, Little Bit's heart was beating away too, 173 bpm. I was so very thankful!!! Thank you God.

I ended up talking to my nurse at PPVI and Dr. H is going to start me on additional progesterone support. I did get the nurse I really liked and I think it made a huge difference. I asked for this two weeks ago and they declined, saying I did not need it. Oh well, I got the PIO injection as soon as I got home and showered. So far, the spotting is not really present and the headache is easing.
I wasn't able to get the additional meds for the progesterone support because there were some changes with the pharmacy, but the nurse figured it out and sent the script to a local compounding pharmacy. God please let this work for our baby!!

Dearest Abba,

I am begging you to protect this little life that we are so much in love with already! We love you Father, we trust you and we love you! Amen.


  1. Yikes! What a roller coaster. That baby's just exercising your mommy muscles for you. :) Praying.

  2. Oh, so relieved for you that you were able to see your baby! I know that put your heart at ease after having such a scare. Praying you feel better and have no more spotting, and that this baby will keep right on growing!

  3. My heart was racing reading this post! So grateful to find that all is well.... Praying for no more scares!

  4. I find it amazing that a child the size of a brazilian nut can coz so much fear.

    I know I told you that when I get a telephone call from you I get scared, but that doesn't mean to stop calling. ;) And I wanted to let you know I'm having problems with my phone ringing in my house....So if it rings and no one picks up, PLEASE ring be back...Some of my calls go through and some don't. Do not think I'm ignoring you or busy, because neither of those are true... ;)

    Glad you were able to get on more support! I'm so happy Lil bit was dancing for his Momma! ;)

  5. Thank God everything seems to have worked out fine for you and your baby. Like you said "Trust in God". Blessings....

    p.s. Thanks for your prayers. Lord knows I need them.

  6. So glad things are ok and Sew was here to talk you down! :)
