Saturday, May 29, 2010


Ten Random Things


1)                   I am drinking about 80 oz of water a day!!!  My goal is to stay hydrated.  When the spotting showed up on Tuesday, the nurse reminded me to drink lots of fluid and I told her I was doing that.  Yet on Saturday, I drank 1 ½ cokes and did not get enough water, maybe it just took that long to catch up with me, I don't know.  I asked her why drinking so many fluids was essential and she told me that when you are pregnant and get dehydrated, you can begin to have contractions and start spotting or bleeding.  Did anyone else know this?  Now, I am committed to drinking water until my eyeballs are floating.

2)                   Riding in the care makes me sick sometimes.  I have been on my husband's case lately when I ride with him because I get to nauseated riding with him on a ride longer than 10 minutes ;)  He has not responded well to this.  Yet, I still keep telling him!!!  On Sunday on our way to church, I was so sick from not eating before going to Mass, that on the way he stopped at Wendy's to let me use the bathroom (desperately needed, hahaha) and he bought me a 5 piece nugget and demanded that I eat so I wouldn't be sick in church.  It was a really long confirmation mass with the Bishop so I think there was enough time for my stomach to be ready to receive Jesus.  So, the kicker to the whole reason I am writing this one about the driving is because yesterday – my own driving made me nauseated (BAD)  and it was especially worse on big, wide curves!!!  So I get home and tell him this and you would have thought he had just won the lottery because he was so happy it wasn't just his driving – hahaha.   I had been telling him he is a bad, bad driver and in all honesty he is the safest driver I know and has not ever got a single ticket or wreck!

3)                   I am feeling so much better on the extra progesterone support!!!  I have been so lazy, tired, and downright yucky for the past three days prior to starting the extra meds.  My husband was literally doing almost everything around the house, even watering my poor flowers.  Yesterday, I felt like a new woman!!!  I got home and he was mowing the yard and weedeating so I went in stripped the bed, washed the sheets, made some cookies, paid the bills, and then cooked supper.  Maybe he really did feel like he won the lottery J    Later, when the sheets were dry, I was going to make the bed and he asked if I needed help and I told him no, I think he was surprised!!!  I know this sounds so trivial, but I was barely able to go to work and come home just a few days ago and then I was feeling like I was back to my old self.  I wanted to do so much more, but I did not want to overdue myself.  Praise God, the headaches are not present right now.  My only complaint about the extra progesterone support is the fact that my dreams are downright weird and the ones on Wednesday night were very scary.  Does anyone else have these kind of dreams, I was having the other kind when I was first pregnant?

4)                   It is so hot in LA and I am so tired of hearing about the doggone oil spill.  It is tearing up the land that I love and ruining the livelihood of so many of my fellow residents.  The oil is killing our wildlife and I cannot understand why it has not been stopped and cleaned up.  I am praying that God will redeem this and all of the suffering that we are likely to endure for the next few decades.  This is changing the way of life for so many of my fellow residents and even my family.  This is a terrible tragedy – not only because it messes up the beaches but because it is KILLING our wildlife.  It is like a poison that cannot be controlled. 

5)                   Work had been going pretty decent for the two weeks, but yesterday and today – the switch was turned.  It was unreal, downright hard to understand.  It wasn't just me that felt the change of the tide, it was felt by EVERYONE!!!  It is the weirdest thing and I can't put my finger on the cause.  I really suspect some emotional dysfunctions.   It is a really hard place to be.  My mom has dealt with anxiety and depression issues almost her whole adult life, but she get the help she needs.  She receives counseling, medication management, etc.  She knows that she can be irritable and we know it too, so we are prepared.  Heck I am irritable, but at least I take responsibility for my feelings!! 

6)                   I have recently had a huge salamander in my office – HUGE!!!  It was slimy, fat, and FAST .  We could not get it out.  I work in a large building and it would go from room to room and hide.  Yet, it would always find its way back under my huge credenza.  Well, Wednesday was a happy day, because he finally made his way out the door!!  We had all tried to chase him, corral him into getting out the door, but I guess he wanted to do it himself.

7)                   The bassinet I ordered could not be delivered to my post office box and could not be delivered to our physical address.  This is not the first time this has happened.  It was so frustrated, but we were able to send it to my Mom's address.  I told her they must think we live in a houseboat or something.  So now she is calling me her river rat J  Can you believe that?  UPS and FEDEX all deliver out there, I don't get it.

8)                   Ok, I am running out of things to talk about.  We are planning to have a quiet, restful weekend and I have been craving some fresh shrimp!  Thanks to the oil spill, shrimping season is closed.  My in-laws have a lot leftover from last year in their freezer, so I plan to  ask them for enough to feed all of us and we are going to make some shrimp and homemade onion rings this weekend.  My mouth is literally watering right now J

9)                   I told my husband that my tv boyfriend is Ashton Kutcher!!!  What is up with that???  A few months ago at a friends' birthday party, they were all drinking, but I wasn't and the subject came up of which celebrities we thought were cute.  Well, I would not say, I was the only one sober!  But my husband piped in and said "She likes Ashton!"  My friends were like "REALLY?"  I know, but my husband rented Valentine's Day this week and yes, I still think he is cute!

10)               I drive a TrailBlazer.  It was used when we bought for a stupid price and it is still a thorn in my side because we are still paying for it..  Well, last year when my transmission went out, all of the gauges decided not to work.  The only ones that work is the Speedometer and the one to tell my how much fuel I have left.  I was complaining about it the other day and my husband reminded me that at least the two most important things work.  Yes, he is a great husband!!!!

"I set before you life & death, blessings and curses; CHOOSE LIFE, so that you and your children will live!"  Deuteronomy 30:19


  1. Girl, put your feet up and keep on chugging that water! It's so nice when the hubbies pitch in and help. :)

    I'm so, so sad about the oil spill. I cannot believe that it is still going on. As if LA needed anything else to deal with? Not to mention how much I love shrimp... :(

  2. so funny about the car....and yes it's so stinkin' HOT. I really hate summer. :(

  3. Sorry about the car, but that's pretty funny that the important things are the only ones that work. It's pretty hot here, though I'm sure you're more humid. The shrimp part of the oil spill makes it extra sad.

    I'm glad J is such a great help and that you and LB are doing better. Keep trying to relax and drinking the water.

  4. Don't be ashamed to be lazy, because you're not lazy! Remember that you're doing the hardest job that a woman can do: you're growing life inside of you and rest is where it's at! Also you are not required to fast before Mass when you're pg, you could ask your Priest and he might even give you a dispensation to make you feel better about eating before Mass, but you gotta feed that baby :)

    Okay I hope my "advice" wasn't too annoying, I DO NOT want to be one of those women who rattles on and on about pg, you do what you feel comfortbale doing. Still praying for you, your hubby, and the baby :)

  5. Thanks for sharing your top 10!!!!

  6. I always eat before Mass, if not I would miss it. ;) I just figure me and God have this understanding. :)

    Ummm, well I had a dream I was a stripper last night.....LMAO!! I kid you not....I won't get into anymore detail but it was vivid and in color! hahaha What a mess!

    I need to keep on drinking water too...I buy those BPA free jugs at Walmart and fill the 2 gallons for .37 cents a gallon....Anyway, I filled 10 two weeks ago and went at the beginning of the week to fill those same 10 over again...I just know that some days are better then others for me and drinking water. Sometimes I just don't have it in me!

    But 80 ounces is almost 3 liters of water! So rock on girlfriend! :)

    The oil spill is crazy....I just can't figure out why they don't have it fixed yet. I mean we can create babies in a pietri dish but can't stop a man made oil contraption??? Give me a break.

  7. thanks for the water reminder-I am the worst! I heard this a long time ago. And yes, I have the crazy dreams-some great, some scary, ex boyfriends, you name it. bizarre. I have had to eat before mass too. I just got so sick. and I read a hungry mommy means a hungry baby and that isn't good right? It will be better for your 2nd trimester. Driving used to make me sick too and that is gone now too. I am so glad you are feeling better on prog-it just makes me tired and starving!
