Thursday, May 27, 2010

Better Results than expected~~

My progesterone results, that is.  The blood draw I did on Tuesday morning before the u/s showed that my progesterone level that day was 19.2, to my happy suprise :)
I was so pleased, I thought it would have been 10 or even less.  Just goes to show you that I don't know it all, hahaha!
I am feeling better, I am so thankful.  I did get another headache last night and would come off and on it finally went away around 9 am.  I hope this is not a common occurence.  I did look at all the p/w my doctor gave me and it said that Migraine can be caused by an increased level of hormones, I think that goes against what Napro says. 
Anyway, I am relieved and I started the compounded oral progesterone capsules last night.  So far so good, too bad compounded meds are so expensive.
Love and prayers to you all!  I thank you all for keeping me in prayer!
We will be in New Orleans next week for a surgery for my father in law.  Pure craziness.  I am glad I still have some time off left.  My husband really needs me to be there and I want to be there.  My FIL will have heart surgery on Wednesday, I do ask for special prayers, if you have time.  We definitely want him to be able to spoil this little grandchild rotten!
"I set before you life & death, blessings and curses; CHOOSE LIFE, so that you and your children will live!"  Deuteronomy 30:19


  1. So glad that your progesterone results were good! Yay!!

    Praying for your FIL!

  2. Praying for your FIL. Praise our Lord Jesus for the good progesterone results. A little relief can go a long way, huh?

  3. Glad your progesterone is up. Hope you can relax a little and enjoy that precious little life inside of you!
