Monday, December 1, 2008

Feeling Sick

I am feeling a little sick today! I have trouble with allergies and sinuses! I took some tylenol today and it helped a little. The great thing is that when I made it home from work, my husband already had dinner cooked! Lucky me! I am just sitting in my recliner and trying to keep my eyes open. I had a crazy day at work and tomorrow will be much longer because we have our Advent Evening of Refection at our Retreat Center tommorrow and we are expecting at least 90 guests! Isn't it amazing that people are ready to center their their lives this advent. I told someone today my life is "ADVENT". I found this framed piece of art on Friday with a scripture qoute about hope and it reminded me that hope is born out of suffering. Suprise, suprise! Makes you wonder how much suffering one had to experience to reach their quota!
I am currently on cd 22 and I am starting to have all of my typical signs that alert me that this cycle is getting ready to come to a conclusion. What really gets me crazy is that alot of the symptoms could also be associated with a new pregnancy! It makes you get your hopes up and then you are let down. I am not trying to say that I am not hopeful, but I feel like I am just being realistic. I just keep telling myself that I am two cycles closer to my goal. Just 16 more to go! Ha!

On a side note, we babysat Gauge who is just five weeks old this weekend! He is a precious baby, but he was too young to be away from his mother overnight! He did really well with us, but we were completely exhausted by the time his parents picked him up on Sunday! He is a colicy baby and needs lots of love! We got a fast taste of just how challenging it will be to parent a new baby! He wakes easily and often and so we rested very little! God bless us! I was still able to funtion, but took a great sunday afternoon nap to make up for it! What an adventure parenthood will be once we make our way there!


  1. I am so sorry you are feeling ill. Love the quota & suffering line....I laughed out loud. It's funny in blogland you have to say that isn't it? Seems a little weird to tell you the reactions I am having. ??? :)

    My girlfriend with 5 children always says when someone gets pregnant with their first baby, they have a whole lot coming to them that they had no idea. She is so funny, but very seasoned. I can't imagine!!

  2. I have to keep remembering to count my cycles/months of TTC differently. Like, after the final healing stages, it will really be only Month #1. Thanks for that reminder :)
