Monday, December 8, 2008

Great Day

I am just wanting to post about something great for a change, so here goes. I was lucky enough to be off of work today, because it was a Holy Day and I went to mass last night, so I got to sleep in a little while before having to take my Mom to see her new oncologist about an hour away from our home! I am not always able to take the time to bring her to her appointments, so I jumped on the chance to do this for her today! Well, she is handling this cancer so well, it shocks and amazes me! She was able to catch the lump in her breast early and they removed it quickly, as well as the lymph nodes on her left breast and she has completed 1 round of chemo so far. She was having to go to Shreveport, which is four hours away (one way) for all of her appts which make it very difficult on a fixed income and she has lots of other medical conditions so this has been a strain. She was referred by her Shreveport oncologist to one closer to home and the new doctor is wonderful. The really hard part today was when I got to see my mom just touching her hair and she would get a handful of hair. When I am in pain, I just stay quiet and that is what I did until I got comfortable (won't ever be comfortable, just more peaceful about how God is bringing healing to her) with what my Mom is now experiencing. There are certain things I have stayed in denial about and my mom losing all of her hair is one of the things! The doctor, who is a christian and very kind, told her that it would be easier on her heart (emotionally) to just go ahead and shave her hair off now. Round two of chemo is this wed, and my stepdad is bringing her, as I will be working.
Well, enough about the tough, emotional stuff. I tried really hard to make this a fun day, as fun as possible. We grabbed a small bite to eat at one of our favorite restaurants before the appt and went to Supertar.get after the appointment. We live in a small town and do not have the luxury of a one in our hometown. So I had so much fun just browsing and hanging out with my Mom and favorite aunt (she came with us to find out where the doctor's office was and to spend the day with us). We were able to find some really cute hats for her and they were all on clearance and pick up a few christmas gifts. I had so much fun picking out gifts for my two new godsons! I found the best gifts for them! Well, anyway, it was just about the best day I have ever had with my mom, ever! If I would give you all a history on the relationship of my Mom and I, it would bring you to tears. God has brought us a long, long way! I am forever grateful.

Two great stories that I must share with your all! First of all, in the middle of Targe.t, I called one of my best friends to see if she thought what I was picking out for her son would be something he would really like and she was very excited about what I had picked up for him. While we were chatting, she said that she sent me a myspace message today because Mal, her two year old daughter wanted to tell me something. Mal's message was simple: "I love you!" Well, if that doesn't melt your heart. She then went on to tell her mom, "Mom, Aunt C. has a baby in her belly!" Her Mom, asked her "Oh, really?" Mal asnwered her, "No, she has two babies in her belly, a boy and a girl!" I was dumfounded. Especially when the only thing she said to knew to tell Mal after that was "Well, you always have to be careful what you pray for!" When I was able to find my voice, I said, "Well, K., I have been telling people lately that my prayer is that "If God will allow J and I to conceive one child, I hope he will allow us to conceive two, because I really want my child to not be an only child!" My husband doesn't find this to be so important, but I am. I grew up an only child and I always wanted a sibling. But to be brutally honest, I would be so happy with one baby!

Okay, the second story - The same little girl I mentioned today is really sad that she cannot yet receive Holy Eucharist and her mom told me she is always trying to get it out of the priests' hands when they go for communion. Well, at today's mass for the Feast Day, she brought Mal to Mass with her and when K finished receiving communion, Mal kept trying (rather loudly) to get her mom's attention. When K asked Mal what she wanted, Mal told her Mom "I want to smell your breath, Mommy" K, being ever practical, said "Mal, why do you want to smell my breath?" Mal just simply answered her "I want to know what Jesus smells like!" That is so beautiful! It made my heart soar! What sweet little faith! Now I know why God wants us to come to Him with the faith of a child!

In regard to my cycle, I am on cd 30. Still waiting to hear back from Dr. Hilgers and finding out what to expect. While I am hoping for a pregnancy, I as so scared to test. I know I will have to face the music soon, but I will trust my big and powerful God to bring joy to my expectant heart!


  1. Be still my ever beating heart! Words can not explain how that makes me feel. Such child like faith. :)

    I am glad you had a great day with your mom. It amazes me the amount of suffering our mothers endure, but endure quietly.

  2. Kids do say the cutest things, dont't they! This weekend a friends son, M almost 6, asked me to be his girlfriend! It was so cute. Here's how the conversation went.
    M-'Becky can you be my girlfriend?'
    B- 'I'm sorry, i can't i already have a husband'
    M-'So i have another girl friend at school'
    B-'well how will you be able to buy us gifts and take us on dates'
    M-'I can't i'm just a kid'
    B-me and everyone laughing, it was so funny and oh so cute!!!!

    I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, Cancer just sucks, period! I'm glad your moms staying positive and doing good. I'm going to keep up with your blog to see how's she doing.
    Thank you for your beautiful comments on my blog!

  3. That little girl sounds adorable. If we could all keep that innnocent faith of children as we grow older. It's great to hear anecdotes like that to remind us what is true and beautiful.
