Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lizard Chasing at Mass

Well, as I have mentioned before, I live in a very rural area in Louisiana. But this morning confirmed for me that I am definitely living in the country. This weekend was super busy and eventful. We had our Christmas party with my husband's company and it was really fun. I have not laughed so much in a long time and J's boss was really concerned about how well I was healing. I always had a pretty good relationship with him as I worked for him during my last year in college. By the way, this is how I met my husband since we were both working for the company, but it took us six weeks to meet. Once we met, there was no looking back! We are known as the official romance of the company. Well, enough rambling about that.

Our oldest godson, Devan, wanted to come stay with us this weekend, so he came over on Sat. and stayed until Sunday. Well, we had tons of fun. We went walking and put his mud boots to good use by allowing him to jump in all the mud puddles. It was like I had given him a brand new bike, he was so excited. We then had a great big get together at our home last night with friends and family that my husband and I made a huge pot of Gumbo for and they really enjoyed it. Today, we went to Mass and he doesn't go all the time with his mom, so I was expecting him to be restless (keep in mind he is 4 years old). Of course, when the homily began, Dev needed the bathroom. Our church is so old and country, there is no bathroom in the church, you have to take a small hike to one by the CCD building, so out we went. Well, on our way out of church to go the bathroom, I mistakenly expected him to follow me, but I took two steps ahead of him and realized he was not right behind me. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw when I looked over my shoulder. He was down on his belly doing an army crawl through the aisle of the church reaching into the pews and grabbing at a LIZARD in between the feet of the people in the pews. Boy, that must have been the fastest lizard ever. Of course, Dev said that he could not catch it bc I reached for his hand right before he could catch it. It had to be the highlight of my weekend. It was so funny. He was the hit of our little church. Everyone kept coming after mass to tell him they wished he had caught it! You never know what will happen when you go to Mass. Then to top it all off, all the people we know well at our church kept asking me "Is this your husband's nephew bc he looks exactly like your husband. This is not the first time anyone has said this. Everyone who sees them together are amazed at just how much they resemble one another. Every time I wonder what our kids might look like, I look at pics of little Dev.

Nothing new with my cycle at this time. I am on CD 7 and have VL B. Last night it felt like I was having H symptoms and was cramping (I was only VL though) but I did not want to take my Pontsel. Today, I had some cramping but just took a tylenol and used a heating pad and was able to rest after Dev's mom came by to get him. Daisy gets so excited to have company, but it wears her out. Just thought that I would post a cute pic of Daisy. I will be taking hcg injections this cycle and would appreciate anyone's feedback on how this changed your cycles. I will be doing it on P+3, P+5, P+7, and P+9. The meds just came in the mail yesterday and my local doctor volunteered to educate me on administering them.

Dearest Abba,

Prepare my heart for the miracles you have in mind for me. I don't know your mind, but I do know the love that is in your heart and I love you and trust you. Amen.


  1. That is too funny about the lizard!! I guess it was a Catholic lizard...

    As for the hcg injections post-Peak, they often extended my post-Peak phase (which was the desired intent, to boost my own natural progesterone and give me a stable post-Peak phase). Once it made my post-Peak extra long (17 days).
    My best advice for you would be to NOT TEST until the Dr gives you the go ahead after the injections. I got a false + from them, even when I was sure it was out of my system (P+16). It wasn't.

  2. Thank you for your input. I got the directions from the nurse today. I wonder if it will help reduce the very light B bleeding that is occuring around day 7. Do you know about this? I thought about calling my instructor or just asking a nurse when I talk to them again. I am having weird cramping even though I don't usually cramp during this time in my cycle. By the way, the lizard had to be catholic! It was the best part of my day! What is that saying about me???
