Friday, November 30, 2012

30th day!!!!

I have to honestly say that I am pretty thankful this series is going to be done tonight! It was fun counting my blessings, but somedays I just was too tired to blog! Plus I know whatever readers were left, I pretty much wore them out with my sentiments thankfulness!

All of that aside, after tidying up the living room and kitchen for the 10th time today, I remind myself that I wanted this, begged God for this, and would not want my old life back! I have moments when I completely desire the ability to go potty alone, but one day that opportunity will come again but until then, I choose thankful!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Love this ~ and agree with every part, except I'm not tired at all of reading about your grateful heart and how God is blessing and growing you.
