Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 13: 30 Days of Thankfulness

Today (and everyday) I am grateful for that glorious moment when I see the headlights coming up the driveway and I can tell Joseph "lets go to the door and see who us home!" Definitely the highlight of our day! Even the big boys get cranky when daddy works late!
By the way, what is it about that last hour before your husband comes home and the kids look like they are falling apart at the seams?? Tonight we changed 5 poopy diapers in about 30 minutes! So glad that after the 5th one he was good and so much happier! After that he ate half of my bowl of chicken & sausage gumbo! Love this family and how they eat up all my meals! Must be starving boys or something, not all my cooking is awesome!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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