Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 10: 30 Days of Thankfulness



Today I am thankful for my sweet godson, G! 

He is a truly funny boy and were so honored to be asked to be his godparents!  He always melts my heart and has some fabulous way to make you laugh out loud every single time you see him!

His blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes are endearing, but is his personality that will make you feel like you have met the coolest kid in the world when you are in his presence!  I love how he is all boy and nothing can change that!  I wish we got to spend more time with him and that he and his family did not live so far away, but that just makes our time together so much more special.

I remember seeing his Momma and Daddy at the hospital before he was born.  I remember it was the most calm I had ever been in a delivery room as and IF girl for 8 whole years.  I just could see myself there one day, ready to meet my own child one day soon.  I had my surgery with Dr. Hilgers less than one month after G’s birth and we were so filled with hope that one day little G would be playing with our own child! 

On the day he was born, Jessy and I were at the hospital, praying in the waiting room.  By far, this was the most difficult pregnancy my friend had and it took awhile but we knew our role was to pray this child to a healthy, safe birth!  I will never forget holding him for the first time in moments after his birth!  A truly unforgettable moment for us!  Sweet G, you will be forever loved by us!  We are so grateful to be able to be a part of your life and to love you!

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