Friday, September 18, 2009

Retreat is still on! Update

I am going on a silent women's retreat this weekend. It starts this afternoon! I am excited to have some quiet time with God. I hope my soul is ready for any graces and gifts of the spirit He wishes to bestow! Did my blood draw for p+7 today. This is really getting old. That is all I am going to say about that, I don't think it would be so bad if the people at the lab were more pleasant.
I have had a super busy week and am so worn out. I got home yesterday from work, vacuumed the whole house, did three loads of laundry, cleaned all the toilets, and cooked dinner. Then I was so tired and could not fall asleep because my feet were so freaking cold. Absurdly cold!!! I had socks on and were burying them under J and they were still so cold. I finally got another blanket out of the closet and still kept my feet tucked under J and then finally drifted off to sleep. I am also noticing different ways that my body responds to hcg injections. I find that on the nights I administer the meds, I wake up alot to go to the bathroom, now this is not helpful to interrupt my sleep. I love sleep. I crave sleep!!
Anyway, know that I will be keeping you all in my prayers this weekend! I have to say that just this morning I was thanking God for your presence in my life, it sounds so silly but there is just absolutely no one in my area that understands what I am going through like you all do. I prayed for God to send me some friends who could understand my heart and even though we don't see each other face to face, I am so thankful He answered that prayer of mine. I just got a call that the preat leading the retreat I was going on is very sick. I am about to run and go get his prescription for him, but it looks like my retreat is cancelled. It sounds like He got what J and I had a few weeks ago. May we all keep him in our prayers. This is the priest who helped us prepare for our marriage and celebrated our wedding with us! He is very special to our hearts and such a servant of God.
After I got back from running the errand, I was told that they were able to find a replacement Retreat Master. I am excited! It is a retired older priest who has such a beautiful soul! I can't wait! I will be including you all in my prayers this weekend!


  1. I'm sorry your retreat is cancelled but if it's gets rescheduled, are there any open spaces? It'd be great to do a retreat together sometime.

  2. Oh, I'm sorry you won't get to have your retreat. I hope you have a peaceful weekend anyway!

  3. Aaaahhhh....a quiet weekend with the Lord sounds so delightful. I wish I were there with you. I hope you have a good, peaceful and enlightening weekend. Many blessings and...thank you for remembering all of us in your prayers.

  4. Glad to hear it's still on. Never really understood why, but retreats always seem like an opening to graces that are impossible to receive in everyday life.
