Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Better Moments

I am always posting about all of my woes, so today I wanted to share three things I am thankful for today!
First of all, I found this article at www.ronrolheiser.com and it made me realize that all of my worries from the previous post were not needed to fill my thoughts.
Second of all, the priest I work with offered a mass for my Aunt this morning and it was so generous and kind of him to do this. He acknowledged that grief is natural and spent some time reflecting on that today was the Feast Day of Our Lady of Sorrows. There was a large bird flying outside and I could see it circling out the window and it just confirmed for me that my Aunt's spirit is free! Finally free!
Lastly, my mom's appt went okay today and since she has been feeling some pain in that breast where they found the cancer, they did another mammogram and ultrasound of the breast and realized that there is a fluid pocket and hopefully it will be better with time and with the pain meds. At least, the cancer did not return.
My life is so full right now and I just imagine that I can't possible handle anymore sorrow, but . . .Mary never ran from her cross, she reflected on things in heart.
I did have spiritual direction today and somethings surfaced about the disillusionment I was experiencing in being treated unkindly by the church that I have committed too. This is a new territory for me. I am realizing that I do love my faith, but not all people in leadership in the church have committed themselves to being servants for the body of christ. These is so much to take in and meditate on right now. I pray that God will use this to make me a more compassionate woman of God. I am continuing to have difficulty at work with some particular people and I asked God today, to help me to not let my temper get out of control, but to help me to develop the spirit of the saints I love so much who don't lash out when they endure a wrongdoing, but that they count it as one more way to suffer for Christ in love.


  1. That is wonderful that the priest offered a mass for your Aunt..that is the way it should be with our faith...we respect the dead and give them a proper burial...I still can't figure out why your church turned your family away(even a little memorial service would have been nice). Like I've said before...something was not right...and I agree...it's not the church but some people who are in charge of certain things. Criminey...there are priests that brought down the good name of our faith! So, I think we need to keep it all in perspective. Praise God for the news on your mother. Many things to be thankful for. :)

  2. I'm so glad to hear that the priest offered a mass for your aunt and that your mother's cancer didn't return. I know it's hard to do sometimes, but it's wonderful that you are able to praise God even though you are dealing with many sorrows now. I hope you receive even more blessings soon.

  3. Thanks for your comment :) I didn't know your mim had had cancer, oh, I'l be praing for her and you all!

    Yes, Heather is so nice to talk to. She always listens and is willing to give advice. So sympathetic!

    Anyways, I hope you get the results you're looking for this Friday. I'll be praying for you!!! I can't help but get my hopes up when I see my levels o high...is that stupid of me? Oh well!

    Many prayers,

  4. It's funny - even if we're committed to the faith, it's hard not to see the heart of the Church in the actions of its members. Your aunt was refused the rite of Christian burial??? My mind leaps immediately to the Kennedy funeral...something (several somethings) not right there.
