Monday, November 3, 2008

Wondering in my heart

I have been having some crazy physical symptoms that have never been so apparent before and although I have been saying that I am very hopeful that God would bless me with a good pregnancy and a baby to love one day soon, I am a little cautious to believe that it could actually happen. I don't know what this means. I have been looking at my chart to see how many more days I have until my cycle should end and so far it has been eithher 26 or 27 days. I am currently on day 23 and not really sure if my side effects are the same atsthe times before. I just have this terrible tiredness, craving lots of food and not the good ones, and such extreme tenderness in my chest area. I happened to receive an email from Parent's magazine today, so I followed it's link to the articles that were suggested for women trying to conceive. I checked out an article that described 13 ways to know if you might be pregnant. The first symptom was breast tenderness, which is my most prominent complaint right now and for the first time, I really got a stirring of excitement in my gut! I almost wanted to say "Look, don't go and get your hopes up!!" It was then that I realized that if I am saying in my mind that I am hopeful, then I have to do so with my whole being! What sobering thought and challenge! I don't have all of the other symptoms and I know that this particular sympton is a typical precursor to strarting a new cycle, but I have never experienced it to this degree before. I can keep praying! I will not be disappointed either way, because just having a more normalized cycle for me is a tremendous blessing.
By the way, we my husband and I went to Omaha in July for my first visit with Dr. Hilgers and to my first surgery, we did our best to make the days leading up to the appointment a vacation! We explored the zoo, a drive through safari, and Boys Town, but our most unexpected blessing was finding the Holy Family Shrine. We learned the story of how God used certain people to put the building plans into action and how it all came to be. There were all kinds of difficulties and it took them longer to build it than they expected and it reminded me that it all came to completion according to God's timetable and not the timetable of the builders and it was just a reminder that God can still do amazing things in my future too! I am adding some picutres! It is a great reminder of what a beautiful place we were able to find and how it was in the middle of nowhere, but exactly where it was destined to be! The pictures above are some pics we took while we were at the Shrine! It is just a reminder, that if God wills it and we follow His call, beautiful things can happen!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your comments on my blog! I will keep you and your DH in my prayers!
