Sunday, November 16, 2008

Heartfelt prayers

I have not had the best week. I am not really sure what is going on with my body these days. I have not been hurting for the last several days, but my emotions are all over the place. I just feel like a different person lately. I am just getting so sad lately and not really used to feeling this way. I thought I would be back to my old self by now, but so far I am still not myself. I am not really at the moment, just at certain times. Like today at mass, I was just so sad. I prayed the most desperate prayer I can ever remember praying. I think it was just one sentence and it went something like this: "God, I just don't know what to say right now. I am just so miserable. Lord, please bring me back my joy." I even had tears threatening to escape as I was going to receive Eucharist. The verse that brought the tears to my eyes reminded me that God can heal my broken emotions and bring new life to the barrenness of my soul and body! That was my little snippet of hope that God heard my prayers and was offering me some solace. This evening has gone better and it helped that DH and I finally got to spend some quality time together. We have been having some different ideas on how things should go in our future and I really think that we are both suprised that we are going to have to really come up with some compromises so that we can both have our dreams come true.
I recently got to see my spiritual director and she helped me confirm that I need to be patient with my body as it heals and trust that God has many great blessings in store for the future. She also told me that it may be possible that I will experience some depression following such a major surgery and I am not sure if this is what is happening, but maybe it won't be so scary this way. I will just keep monitoring it all. I used to be really concerned about being careful not to offend others and I was basically a very passive person who would keep my complaints to myself, but not lately. I am just wondering if I am the only one who has experienced this type of emotional change as they were healing from surgery. I was even thinking of asking the nurse at PPVI Institute if I should be concerned about this. Well, anyway, until then, I will keep observing, praying, hoping, and believing in God's goodness.

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