Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I feel in my body that my cycle is ending and I am not happy about this. I don't know why I am so disappointed, I know I said I would be thankful and be content just to know that my body is doing something somewhat normalized. What a run-on sentence. Further evidence of my sour mood at the moment. I am not devasted, just disappointed. You know how you just start to believe in the possibility that it might happen this month and that belief sort of slacks off. That is just what I am experiencing. I was already trying to calculate possible birthdates. Being optomistic apparently can leave someone feeling lousy for a little while. I say a little while, because I know that this too shall pass! Just waiting for my turn around the sun!


  1. I wish you peace while you wait!!

  2. Knowing that you are about to start a new cycle when you had hopes for the last one is always hard. I live in Shreveport so there wasn't damage caused here by Gustav, but the elections were rescheduled due to all the evacuees from southern LA that were here.
