Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What in the world?

I am having alot of B/black bleeding. I don't ever have this at the beginning of a cycle. I thought some people have this at the end of a cycle, it has just really set off alarms in my head! What is going on?

The only time I had this type of situation was at the beginning of the pregnancy when I was on the progesterone suppositories. It looks like that.

Today I was in so much pain at work on the left side that I was thinking no one should have to live like this. There was no breakdown, no tears - just feelings of being dumbfounded and bewildered.

How much can a girl take? Seriously! Something has to get better, someday. It will happen.

I was able to go hang out with my best friend tongight as I processed what I am going through emotionally, I realized that I am just ready for some progress. I am seeking a life filled with purpose. It is time. Okay, I think it is time for change, maybe God just wants to keep me in this place a while longer.

I will wait on the Lord to change the view for me and I will wait for him to take my hand and lead me to the grassy hillside where I can rest and just enjoy his presence.

Anyway, anyone with experience on Brown/Black bleeding, please share your experience and what the culprit could be. I did have to take alot of antibiotics this cycle and I was worried about a yeast infection, but I am just so lost and can't wait to get some clarification from the cycle review tomorrow.

Please God, lead me to the light. Amen!

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