Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thankful for . . . part 4

I am thankful for
(1) Really great christian music and songwriters who can bring the scriptures alive for me and bring me to a new perspective on suffering for the cross and hoping for the resurrection!

(2) Amazing God-appointed friends on this journey to parenthood. My soul used to be so burdened and felt so alone on this journey. While it still hurts my heart that so many others are in a similar pain, I am thankful that I get to see their faith and hope.

(3) I am thankful that my husband is praying with me and begging God for His will to known to us.


  1. Totally agree! My choir friends and I are going to go see Matt Maher in concert Saturday.

  2. I'm starting to look forward to your thankful lists each day. (And I'm really happy to see your #3.)
