Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nothing to cheer about - P+7

I called the doctor's office to get my P+7 results and they called me an hour later to give them to me. That was really fast.

When she gave them to me, I thought they were right on the mark. I told J that they would not be as high as last time bc that was so weird for me.
Last cycle: Prog. =45, estr. = 26.7
This cycle: Prog. =20.3, estr. = 15.6

I said that is really what I expected, I did not expect any high progesterone levels bc I did not feel any of the typical signs of super high progesterone. She was like "No, these are really good numbers." Really?

The truth of the matter is that when we conceived, the levels were, 20.3 and 7.1.

I am not really sad, worried, or upset. I am just tired of this rollercoaster. I ready to get off and spend my money and time in something useful.

Yet, I am still hopeful. I am so wishy-washy. I really just want to be a mommy and one day, I still believe that will come true. By the way, I have been playing around with girl names and J came up with one that I thought he did not like and I paired it with my favorite saint and think we have a winner :) This is just for fun and it keeps the dream alive! We are already pretty certain on what we would like to name our son if we ever have the pleasure to have one! A girl or a boy, it doesn't matter. We have got great names for them, so come on babies - fall from the sky!!!!

Does anyone know what the optimal ration of p/e is for a possible conception or is that just gasping for straws?

Prayers continue for all of you! I love doing this novena for all of you!


  1. I've heard via the blog that you want a 10:1 (which is 1:1 in the way that your numbers were measured) ratio of estrogen to progesterone. Even though they aren't a fabulous as last cycle, they are still good numbers. I think we are all tired of this rollercoaster and the money that we either have to put into IF treatment, adoption or both.

    I'm glad you're still hopeful and that's great that you were talking about names. D and I have had the name picked out since just after we started dating so almost five years now.

  2. Yeah...my dh and I had our babies names picked out before we were married (haa...little did we know). We chose names from present and deceased relatives which are saint names as well. I have some other favorites floating around too. I think it does give us hope...lots of it and it's fun too. Praying we can all get to name our children one day!
