Thursday, November 19, 2009


I am excited to go hear a Prolife message tonight at my old university. The presenter is Rebecca Kiessling and if you have not heard of her, go.ogle her. I have been able to learn her story and if you know mine, you can easily see why I am excited to hear her speak to our community. I have invited my Mom, J, and my friend is also going with us!
This really is an answered prayer and is something I have been trying to bring to light in our community. That life is precious no matter in which way it was conceived.
The way I found out about her was through a website talking about a prolife movie Ti.ger's Hope (I think is the name of it). She discussed her hx with CrMS and Napro and she was very successful! She is now the mother of five. I am not sure if she adopted 2 or 3 kids, but I know she had at least two through the assistant of PPVI.

I want to end with a quote from when President G.W. Bush greeted Pope Benedict XVI's during his visit to the White House: "In a world where some treat life as someting to be debased and discarded, we need your message that all humanity is sacred and that 'each of us is willed, each of us is loved . . . and each of is necessary.'"

For all of this, I am thankful for today!


  1. Wow...that's a great speaker! I'm glad that she's out there to refute the "except in cases of rape or incest" exception.

  2. The rape/incest conversation is so hard, and her witness is so important. The best simple explanation I heard was a long time ago...I don't remember from whom, but she pointed out that abortion is terribly traumatic for the mom (and the moreso if she is emotionally conflicted about it). Rape victims already struggle with guilt. The abortion will only make her suffer more.
