Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Baylie **UPDATE**

Today is Baylie's surgery day. She was not happy to be giving up food after 9 pm and was so sad as we drove to the vet's office.

In all honesty, I am going to miss her and worry about her until I can pick her up on Friday after my hsg.

I spent some special time with her this morning before putting her in the kennel and also annointed her with Holy Water. She also got a very special St. Francis blessing.

Could I be anymore nuts? I am trying to humanize my poor Baylie. She is our baby though and she was there with me as I recoved from the emergency surgery for the ectopic pregnancy.

All I can say is she is one loved cat and I won't be the only one to miss her. Daisy will be looking for her until we bring her home.


Baylie is doing well. The vet just called to let me know that she is waking up and did wonderful in surgery! Praise God! Thanks for all your prayers!


  1. I can relate completely! I have total anxiety when one of my babies is sick.. it's not good. But they are all we have! I'm praying for Baylie.. hopefully everything goes as smoothly as it possibly can.

  2. You're not nuts at all! Very scary to be sending fur-babies to surgery. I hope it goes well for Baylie.

  3. I truly believe our pets are little members of our families...I hope the surgery goes well.

  4. Glad it went well. Quick healing, Baylie.

  5. I'm glad to hear that your Baylie is doing well and I hope you'll be able to relax until she comes home.

  6. Glad she's doing well after the surgery.
