Friday, October 23, 2009


I have tossed and turned most of the night last night. I kept having mild pain on my right side. It has made me a total basketcase and I even alarmed my dear husband about it this morning. I am so wimpy and I don't even know if I could be pregnant, but I just blow all of my sypmtoms out of proportion. Who knows, maybe I don't. I did just some information about having pain on the right side and they said it could be corpus lutem pain. Since my hormones are so high this month, maybe this is a feeling that I am just not used to being aware of at this stage in the cycle.

I am p+12 today and I just wondered to my husband if I could quite possible feel a fertilized egg traveling through my tube? I envy women who can find themselves pregnant and never felt a thing. Not really, I think I am making mountains out of molehills over here.

I am stil begging God to perform miracles over here. There is a 50/50 chance I am not pregnant and will start my period. I have not been crying or crampy or feeling all the typical signs of my progesterone dropping.

I don't really know what to think, but I do know that I have been letting myself dream and it has been wonderful.

I just took a break from writing this post and came back to it and the pain has gone away. It comes and goes and to be honest and fair, if it were an ectopic pregnancy the baby would be so small I probably would not feel pain from that just yet.

I am praying my little heart out!

God continue to be in charge and help me to trust you in all circumstances! Amen


  1. Don't know if this helps, but during my first week or so of pregnancy, I had very mild "cramps" - only way I can describe them is "near the surface."
    It freaked me out too.
    Don't know what it was, but I read it's quite common - some women cramp throughout their pregnancy.

  2. I'm praying for you! I'm so hopeful for both you and Sew.

  3. I am praying for you!!! It does sound very hopeful, yeh, I hope this is it for you. Please God :)

    Many prayers,

  4. I know what you mean about looking into symptoms.. I've never even been pregnant once and I still have experienced all the early pregnancy symptoms! They obviously weren't actually that, but I still felt them. And it's so true about it being a 50/50 chance. On the cycles when I felt really pregnant it was an adjustment to realize I wasn't "kinda" pregnant or close to being pregnant.. I was simply not pregnant. You either are or you're not, you know?

    That being said, I hope what you are experiencing really are early symptoms. And I hope the wait isn't too excruciating!

  5. Praying for you!! Implantation typically occurs 6-10 days after ovulation.

  6. praying that you have good news this cycle.
