Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Well, not much has been happening in my world lately. That is if you don't count all the times I daydream that I could miraculously find myself pregnant with a baby in my womb, all nice and snug.

P+7 fell on a sunday, so I did the draw on Monday at 7 am. Then I went to work and sneaked away to the bathroom to give myself the hcg injection that was for p+7 just a few hours (8) late. I did not want to skip a dose and have my hormones drop so fast that there was no turning back. In hingsight, I don't know if this was good judgement, but it is what I did. Usually J draws the meds for me, so I only got a little bit of it anyway bc it was that last of the bottle. I will have to start a new bottle for the p+9 (which I will do on p+10 so the timing is near the time I did it on p=8)injection. I told J that I hated to start a new bottle! Craziness I tell you.

I have really been sore in all the right places and running to the bathroom at all hours of the night, but I think that the hcg meds make this happen regardless of if there is a little baby trying to get settled in my womb.

I have been doing a novena to Saint Gianna lately. I just felt really called to do so and started on Saturday. I was going to do one to St. Theresa of Avila with Mrs. Blondie, but when I printed out the information it cut off alot of it and it was too late when I realized this. So I think this worked out in me being called to reflect on the spirituality of St. Gianna and praying for her intercession.
In reflecting on the difficult choices she had to make in her life and the suffering she endured during her last pregnancy, I am just in awe of her strength and courage. She was very much a part of my prayers when I was pregnant with Nicky and I remember putting the blessed medal from the Shrine on my left side, where I would have pain. In hindsight, all the signs were there that I was having an ectopic pregnancy on my left side, but I had no idea that I instintively knew where my sweet baby was growing.

I have been working on trying to be less afraid and I really have been trying to discern in getting some good spiritual counseling will be helpful for me.

I had a great weekend and got to visit my two best friends. One who is happily single and the other who is happily married with three lovely kids, one of which is our godson. The other day, this little man met his local bishop (he is only 15 months!) and the bishop was smitten with him and he with the bishop! The bishop just kept telling him that he, too, could one day be a bishop and have a staff. This greatly humbled his mom and she called me to tell me about it.

Anyway, I had so much fun loving on these little ones! We had a great time visiting. I managed to get some pumpkins and fall flowers to decorate our porch and it looks festive. I find myself wanting to enjoy each season. I am just not ready to look forward to Christmas yet. God will give me the grace I need.

I was able to do some baking and cooking this weekend. I felt like such a homemaker, which is my dream. I was worn out though :) I even cleaned and organized my kitchen cabinets. I hope there are even more good things to come!

I decided to go back and read my posts before I found I was pregnant in April. Hoping that some of my feelings are the same . .. does this sound like something Sew would say? Sew, you make me feel normal!


  1. Wait are we cycle sistas??!!

    I'm P8 today! :)I found myself yesterday going back and trying to see how I was feeling. :) Too bad I think I started writing on p9 or p11. Something crazy like that. I mean I think it's crazy because I'm only P8 and P11 seems so far away.

    I think I'm crazy because last month I FELT NOTHING post peak. This month I'm feeling things, but in and out. Then I think you are making this stuff up. You sit around at the clinic all day begging to be pregnant this cycle. Maybe it's the cold air making me nauseated. But really I ate seconds last night with dinner, I was exhausted, and nauseated. It was wierd. :) I was thinking can non medicated high levels of progesterone give me this "pregnant" feeling.

    Yeah, so if you can't tell, I'm going crazy over here!!! :) I'm only P 8. But like I said the first time, I noticed something was off early on.

    If I start going pee in the middle of the night, I'm posting that I'm pregnant! ;) hahahahahahahah I don't care if it's p9!!! I don't think that started until P 14 and beyond anyway! But that will be my tall tale sign! :) hahahaha

    EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So hopeful over here and it's okay if I get my period...

    Do you always pee in the middle of the night??????!!!!!! hehehe

  2. I'll be praying for you. And how brave you are to give yourself the hcg injection, you go girl!

  3. Sew, I did go back and read my post that I wrote before I found out I was pregnant. Some of the signs are still there, but I did not calculate p+ dates!

    I will be praying that all of that extra hunger and exhaustion you are experiencing is for all the right reasons :)

    Hafsa, thanks for your vote of confidience! Your always so encouraging! Let those babies know that they have prayers coming from the South!

  4. I hope your symptoms are for all the right reasons too. The St. Gianna novena is one that I'm going to do right before my surgery (since you got me thinking about it.

    I'm glad you had fun with the little ones.

  5. LIM--I peed last night! hahahahah

    No, I'm not going to post that I'm pregnant! hahahahaha!

    If I pee again tonight, then maybe. Hahahahaha!

    Does 430 in the morning count as peeing in the middle of the night? Is that over analyzing? :)
