Saturday, October 24, 2009

Good Sleep :)

I was finally able to get some good sleep last night! I actually feel rested. I went to bed at 8:30 pm and woke up at 8:45 am. Of course I went to the bathroom alot, so at 6:50 I did my bbt waking temp which is the usual time I get up and it was 99.05. The pain on my right side has eased up. I don't want to jinx myself, but I am hoping it was something totally not related to fertility or something completely normal. Like a corpus luteum cyst that reduces normally during a pregnancy. I am not saying I am pregnant, although I would love to have a + right about now.
Speaking of corpus luteum cyst or ovarian cyst, how painful should it be? My pain was mild off and on for about 20 hrs. It wasn't much of a problem last night or so far today. Any insight will be helpful, but I do not need to be scared. I am constantly telling myself that "Fear is not of GOD!" and "Perfect love casts out fear!"

I did share every single worry I had with my husband and it made me feel better for him to know what kind of craziness I am experiencing.

My greatest fear is that if I am ever blessed with another pregnancy, I will experience another ectopic one. I can only take it one day at a time. Given that outcome, we will be able to pursue adoption whole-heartedly and not question how it is that God wants us to grow our families. Adoption is never a second choice, my husband just wanted to exhaust all other possibilities before travelling that way. I, on the other hand, want all the babies God is willing to share with us so this has been a hard road to travel.

It is so hard to trust God when the vision seems so unclear. Blinded, though, I will follow Him, and trust Him to bring me where His blessings will flow.


  1. Trust is so hard! Praying for a successful cycle!!

  2. I'm glad you got some rest. Wow, that's a pretty high BBT, is that normal for you? I'm praying for you.

  3. That BBT is really high! I am oraying for you. I really hate the 2ww. But I am dying to hear how things go this month for you!

    Praying for you,

  4. I don't know about the bbt, I might have been having a fever. Todays was 98.7
    Just waiting . . .
