Friday, October 30, 2009

Cycle Review

We have officially been given the Green Light to try for pregnancy by the staff at PPVI. As you all know we did try last month, but they actually think we can have a chance this cycle. They even got very specific with me about timing, more so than in the past. She even assured me of prayers for a successful cycle which is not something that has been said before from them.

They had the doctor review my chart for last cycle and they found no tremendous problems. They are very pleased with my hormone levels, my CM pattern (which I am not as happy about, to me it is ambiguous), and really thought that the pain I could have had on the right side could have been my body preparing for a new cycle. They seem to think that I may have gotten crampy earlier instead of with the onset of cd 1. This sort of makes sense to me or they suggested it could have been a stomach bug (I am also inclined to believe this might have been the case since I had to keep running back and forth to the bathroom.) The other idea is that it could have been a corpus lutuem cyst that resolved itself. I know this may seem like way too many possibilities, but I am just going to go with it for now because I am tired of freaking myself out over it and it is gone right now.

I do have my hsg scheduled for November 6, 2009 at 9 AM. I don’t know if the radiologist will let me know if things are good or bad, but I am hoping for the best. I don’t want to be waiting for results for a long time.

I am hoping that my mind is just overactive and because of the difficult experiences I have had I just worry unnecessarily.

My phone has been ringing from all the nurses. If you want to feel popular, start a new cycle . . . hahahaha.

My FIL, who I am very close to, got sick this morning with chest pains and they had to rush him to the hospital. Once there the found out that his blood sugar was way too high and once they got that down they would be able to check his heart for any signs of risk for heart attack. Both of our parents are very young, our moms are 49 and his dad is 51. My FIL is my husband’s best friend, so J was nervous, as was I, today. We feel better that they are monitoring him. They can use all the prayers that can be offered. They are having a lot of trials right now.

I am clomid bound, so anything is likely to come out of my mouth or eyes!


  1. I'm glad to hear that PPVI was so hopeful about this cycle. It's great that you HSG is scheduled for only a week away. I'll keep your parents & in-laws in my prayers. They are so young to have that many medical issues.

  2. Have fun with "green light" trying! It is good to hear that they gave you more specific directions. My prayers are with your in-laws and good luck with the hsg. My advice is to make sure you can see the monitor - I could only see mine from an angle and it was difficult to see for myself.

  3. Haha, I love the last sentence of this post!!

    I'll be praying for you... looks like many of us are cycle buddies this time around :) I started today, too.

  4. Lots and lots of prayers for you this cycle! That's awesome that the doctors and nurses from PPVI sound so encouraging and positive.

  5. You've got a lot going on! Sending prayers for FIL and good luck with this cycle. I think with my HSG they did talk to me about it there, at least a little bit, but I also remember my doctor explaining the results to me, so I must have had a follow-up appt. (oh, and take some a.dvil before you go. Mine really wasn't that painful, but I loaded up on the a.dvil.)

  6. Thanks everyone!

    My FIL was released from the hospital today. He is doing better and they will f/u with specialists next week. We appreciate the prayers!
