Monday, October 5, 2009

Can it get any worse?

I have been having lots of worries in my life and now I have to add extra worries for work. I really feel that I need to find a new job. There is so many things that I should not mention here, but I just don't know how to make it better. I have never had such a hard time to be kind and imitate St. Therese in her little way of suffering and not counting the cost. I am nervous about having to leave a positon that I enjoy simply because I desire to be treated with dignity. As I was sharing that with my director, I cried. I don't know how to get ahold of my emotions. We are supposed to have a problem-solving meeting on Friday, but my only complaint is not being treated with dignity. I don't want to not run away, but I also don't know how to stay.
In addition to this I am having a huge problem missing my little cousin that we have taken care for many years, mostly on the weekends and summers and more recently for a few months last year. His birthday is this week and I have been missing him so much. His mother does very little to celebrate his or his brother's birthdays. She gets them gifts, but is there a celebration of their life? My heart is just hurting. Not even because I have no children to love on, but for all of those children that are living, breathing and not being celebrated.
The best news I had today is that FJIEJ is PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am blown away at God's great pleasure to bring new life into their family and I am so happy that prayers have been answered. Thank you sweet Jesus! This is one little life that will be CELEBRATED!


  1. I know all about just asking for dignity and respect (for me) at work. Before I started in the ed field...I was an admin asst..and I always seemed to work for men who yelled first and then thought later. And they yelled at of their humiliating. So..I took that for a number of years from various bosses before I got the gift to volunteer in a school and that was that...I knew where I belonged. I prayed for a new direction and God blessed me. Is there anything else you'd like to do or have somewhere else to work where you would get the digntiy you deserve? I will keep you in my prayers as you search for answers. I know it's tough. Thank God my dh was so supportive of me plus he was tired of me coming home crying. Yes, it was that bad. God Bless.

  2. I'm so sorry! That makes for a hostile work environment!

    I hope something appears or the issues are worked out.

  3. I'm so sorry you are having a rough time at work. If you aren't being treated with dignity, you need to change the situation for sure.
