Thursday, September 9, 2010


I had what I thought would be an uneventful appointment today with my local ob.

Well, that is never the case is it?

She gave me some information about the GD. I will be meeting with the nutritionist and diabetes educator tomorrow at 11 am.

Then she mentioned that because the thyroid was an issue she wanted me to start seeing a perintologist on 9/20 and f/u routinely with them.

Then start now seeing her every two weeks.

Then at 32 weeks start doing weekly visits and ultrasounds to monitor the baby very closely.

Ultimately, it was the mention of the perintologist that scared me the most.

I am battling not getting down because my body seems so less than ideal for baby Joseph.

Yet, in the end, I am so thankful that he is growing and that I have the opportunity to love him everyday.

Please join me in prayer for Joseph! I would really appreciate them!


  1. Oh, honey, I will pray! It's so hard not to worry, I'm sure. Isn't it wonderful that you are being monitored so that you can do the very best for sweet Joseph! Praise God for modern medicine!

  2. I think seeing someone for your thyroid is a great idea! Great idea! It needs to be managed better and more properly! So hopefully they can help you!

    My mother had GD with 4 of her kids but she thinks she had it with all of us just never was managed....

    Keep your head up, I think it is a great thing! ;)

  3. I'm sorry the appointment was rough and that there are these new changes. :-(

  4. Yes, look on the bright side that you are being monitored to prevent anything from going wrong. And remember that while your body is broken (as all of ours are!) your baby will grow and develop on his own just fine. If there was anything majorly wrong, you would know by now. Just take care of yourself and he'll be fine! Praying :)

  5. Here's a hug! It all sounds scary, but you are taking such good care of your baby - all snug and happy floating around inside of you. If it eases your mind at all - I think it's pretty normal to start having more frequent appointments between 25 and 30 weeks.

  6. These things are scary, but at the same time it is awesome they are taking so many great precautions. I love everytime I get to see the specialist and check on baby more often. The sooner you catch anything, the better, and this will give you that opportunity. Hang in there, mama, it sounds like everyone is really on top of things and this is reason to be really happy!

  7. Again, I'm so sorry you are facing these issues during your pregnancy. I agree with what some others have said, though, that it's a good thing to be closely monitored. And certainly it's always a good thing when you get to check on the baby frequently and get a peek at how he's doing! Continuing to pray for your peace of mind as the days and weeks pass.

  8. Sounds like you are doing all you can and the very best for baby Joseph. I agree with the's best to know and do all you can now and be informed. Praying!
