Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fickle Nursery Designer!!

For the longest time the last two weeks I have been struggling with which direction to go in for the nursery. In all honesty, we are pretty simple people, but this is something we have dreamed of preparing for over 10 years now. That was alot of time to dream.

We wanted something fun, yet affordable. We did not need alot, but we (maybe I should say I) wanted everything to coordinate. So with that being said, I ended up spending a little more than I should have on a COORDINATNG valence, for crying out loud! In all honesty, we have spent very little, but it seems like every decision was a big commitment - so funny! I guess I just want everything to be perfect and to reflect a fun, loving environment!

Initially, I bought an adorable valence when we visited a few weeks ago - it was for the bargain price of $4.99! Then when we strolled the store before we left, we actually found a cute little design that we both liked! We ended up buying wall decals. Well it turns out they did not match the bargain curtain, so tonight I ordered the new valence that will coordinate with wall decals.
We have the nursery cleared out and Joseph's closet is getting full, already.

Here is what it looks like so far. It will likely be another two months before we get the crib in there, but we have all the material for Joseph's grandpa to build the dresser/changing table. I am enjoying these days - it all takes my breath away! I am still so stunned and humbled that we are allowed to experience this joy after so many years of waiting and longing.
Please know that you all remain in my prayers! Your special intentions have become my own special intentions!


  1. I love those turtles and as I was looking at them I thought of you and my mom! You both love turtles, now I am huge fan too :)

  2. It just takes my breath away to see this! I am so happy for you, and Joseph is one lucky little boy!! :)

  3. In Louisiana you know cameo will be a big part of any boys room! :) Start'em early!
