Tuesday, September 7, 2010


My progesterone is finally rising like it should. I am saying this with great relief (as well as caution)!

I am finally at high zone 2, with a level of 52.9 (24 weeks).

Praise God! My only concern is that they are ready to reduce my PIO IM injections to 100 mg. I am nervous to make the change, I have been feeling my best lately. I want that trend to continue!

Grow, little Joseph!

Last night I asked my husband "Do you ever just dream and get so excited about finally getting to meet your son?" He responded by saying "EVERYDAY!" I love it!

We are getting closer, one day at at time.

There is a song by Mark Schultz named "I am". There is a line that had me in tears this morning.

The line is "I am the one who even knew you - Before your birth - Before you were".

Throughout my years of longing for a child or for the children who made it to heaven before me, this song spoke to my heart in such a powerful way. I always found such great consolation in those words of "I knew you before you were".

Today - I was just brought to tears knowing that Joseph has such a special time of being known so intimately by God right now, be loved by God! Yet, God did not just start to love him, he has loved him since before 'he was'. What a blessed time for Joseph. To be intimately known only by God! With this perspective, I find myself not wanting to rush this stage. This is a beautiful time for Joseph and God. Joseph is already experiencing the most beautiful relationship with God! For that, I am forever grateful!


  1. yay! So happy about your progesterone! Beautiful post......

  2. wow! I am up late because I can't sleep from worry (of which you know the worry of my heart right now) this is just what I needed to read. Thank you! Bless you and Joseph and AMEN! It is amazing that Joseph knows the Lord so closly right now. Soon it will be your job to get JOseph to be back there one day, with his Lord! You can do it mama!!

  3. Beautiful thoughts! I love it (and I like that song, too).

    Great news about the progesterone!

  4. Yippee!!!

    I'm looking at your tickers and I am so excited that the day you get to meet Joseph is drawing so near!
