Saturday, September 11, 2010


Praise God, everything went well yesterday. I felt fine and went to the appointments with the nutritionist and GDM educator. They are both RNs and very aware of what I should be doing to keep Joseph and myself healthy.

They were both so very kind and set me at ease very quickly. In order to meet with them at the hospital I am using for delivery, I had to go through admitting and be sent up to the Labor and Delivery Unit. I really felt out of place there and worried. I had a armband and everything. The admitting staff told me that I had to sign waivers just in case the nurses decided to admit me to the hospital today. They mentioned that sometimes happens. Alarm bells go off!

It turns out that I am still not really eating enough food, carbs included. Yet the foods I have been trying to incorporate more into my diet like milk and orange juice raise my sugar levls very quickly because they are absorbed so fast. They told me to try to combine certain types of food, like break and peanut butter because the protein slows down the digestion so that the sugar levels from the bread don't cause a quick rise in my blood sugar. I found out that 4 oz of oj is considered 1 carb serving and one cup of milk (skim) is 1 carb serving. I am to stay away from the juices for awhile to see if this is a factor my changing sugar levels.

When they taught me how to use the new glucose monitoring device, I was suprised that my sugar levels were within the normal limits that my doctor wants to see for me. I tested for the rest of the day and they were all within the normal limits. I am supposed to test four times a day - upon waking (fasting), two hours after breakfast, two hours after lunch, and two hours after supper. All day long they were where they needed to be, yet this morning my fasting blood sugar was elevated above what they want for a fasting level. In fact, it was one point higher than the draw after supper last night. I don't understand that, but that was the same one that was highest for the 3 hr GTT. I will have to ask my doctor about that if it becomes a trend.

From what I can tell from their education and documents that they gave me, since I was severely PCOS (I had double OWR's because of PCOS) and insulin resistant before getting pregnant it was highly likely that I would develop gestational diabetes. Mainly because pregancy hormones from the growing placenta tend to block the normal function of the insulin in breaking down sugar and using it for fuel. My body already had to work hard to overcome this without the additional "blocking" from the placenta.

I will deal with GDM anyday as long as my baby stays healthy and I am grateful that I even have a reason to be having to deal with this. Praise God that Joseph has been letting me know he is growing and moving, it settles my heart so much and causes great joy.

In other news, I will see the perinatologist on 9/20 and I am feeling better about it. Being able to see where I will need to be going yesterday and how nice the staff is at the hospital have settled some of my anxiety. I am nervous that there will be somethings that might suprise, but I am praying that this is just a normal precaution. I was afraid that the t3 or the new synthroid might have created problems for baby Joseph but I have to trust that God is overseeing all of the care we are receiving.

There was a song last night that came on as I was driving home by Jeremy Camp that just reminded me that God is with me and my family - our faith has led us here and will continue to lead us. Here are the lyrics that express the stirrings of my heart.

Would I believe you when you would say
Your hand will guide my every way
Will I receive the words You say
Every moment of every day

Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Well because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me

Help me to win my endless fears
You've been so faithful for all my years
With one breath You make me new
Your grace covers all I do

yeah, yeah , yeah, yeah, yeah, ya


Well I'm broken, but I still see Your face
Well You've spoken, pouring Your words of grace

(Chorus x2)
Well hallelujah, hallelu(I will walk by faith)
Well hallelujah, hallelu(I will walk by faith)
I will walk, I will walk, I will walk by faith
I will, I will, I will walk by faith

Thanks for all of your encouraging words and prayers. They are working :) Now I have to catch up on all the blogs. Life has been super busy and I am always so tired after working. Keeping you all in prayer and specifically offering up lots for my beautiful friends still trusting God to grow their families as He sees fit.


  1. Prayers are heading your way!

    Diabetes is no fun... no matter what the circumstances! It's a constant discussion at my house... every meal, every carb choice, everything!!

    We don't even buy juice anymore... it's a no go for us. It just causes all kinds of sugar issues for my hubby. Boo.

    The morning numbers can run higher than the rest at times. It's so strange, but when we went to our diabetes education classes, they talked a lot about it. DH could have a normal reading after a low-carb meal... but then it would be higher in the morning after not eating all night! What? We didn't get it!

    So... our educators said that blood sugar can be affected by stress, sleep, lack of sleep... about everything. Blood sugar can also go up when you haven't had anything for a while... which can cause the higher reading in the morning. It still doesn't seem logical! Our dietician said a very light walk in the evening or a small protein/carb snack can help. We saw a big difference in the morning readings when my DH started to do this! My diabetic dad found this helped his high morning readings (when all the rest were normal) too. Weird!!

    I obviously do NOT know everything about diabetes... I'm not an expert or a doctor... this is just from our experience. Sorry if it's unwanted information.

    I hope everything goes well with this!! Know that that little baby and you are in my prayers!!

  2. So glad your anxiety was relieved! It sounds like you have things under control.

    I hadn't had OJ since starting my low-sugar diet a couple years ago, but if I really craved it I'd get the low sugar kind. Since being pregnant I cheated a few times and had it, but then had to stop due to heart burn. Oh well! Juice isn't for me I guess!

  3. I am so glad that you are feeling better about things! Sounds like you are working with some great folks! I will keep praying for you, sweetie!

  4. AL,

    By regularly updating your blog as you move towards the eternal motherhood experience you are helping many women around the world with the first-hand information.


