Sunday, September 12, 2010

100 DAYS!!!!

We have only about 100 days left until we meet little Joseph!

We are so excited and yet sometimes still just brought to silence in utter amazement at this incredible blessing.

Everyday, I am thankful for this little boy getting stronger.

I find myselft doing everything I can to just enjoy each day, loving him right where he is.

We were in mass yesterday afternoon and I just marveled at the fact that in around 3 months or a tad more we will be carrying a baby in our arms, seeing them face to face. Listening to their whimpers, their soft breathing. It has been such a journey to get to this moment that I still feel like I watching it happen to someone else.

I will sing God's praises.

In other news, we went to mass last night so we could be home all day! How sad is that? We also ran all our errands, did the grocery run, rented two movies, and plan to catch up on housework, do some more cleaning in the nursery, and cook a big pot of red beans and sausage - some to eat today and some to stick in the freezer for when we need an easy meal!

I hope you all enjoy a beautiful and restful Sunday!


  1. Whoo who! the countdown begins!

  2. Happy 100 Day Milestone!!! It's so hard to believe in about 3 short months we are going to be mommies! :) Have a great day!

  3. Wonderful! It's great to see those numbers melting off of the calendar while each day brings you closer to seeing that sweet baby!!!

  4. I think we have the same due date!
