Monday, September 13, 2010

10 Suprising Things About Me!

Well, I am jumping on the bandwagon! Here goes ~

1. I hate to go shoe shopping. I will wear out a pair of shoes until they are falling apart because finding my size is so difficult! I wear a size 11W! The funniest part is that my best friend has the same problem and wears one shoe size larger than I do! We are also both just one inch shy of being six feet tall!

2. I always hated being tall!!!! Now I am thankful for it when I reaching to the tops of the cabinets!

3. I was born in CO! I loved being able to go back there to see Pope John Paul II for World Youth Day when I was in high school.

4. I hate mopping!!!! I would rather doing any other chore and put that one off for as long as I can get away with it!

5. I am very shy. I am very private and this has been difficult, even with family!

6. I am hopelessly pathetic at doing anything related to modern technology. I hate dealing with the dvd player, etc because I just hate dealing with all those remotes!

7. My favorite job ever was being a Special Instructor Teacher for children 0-3 who were experiencing developmental delays. I loved every minute of it!

8. I always stop in my tracks to admire flowers of every kind, just remembering that St. Therese reveals her prayers for me in those moments! Big or little, I love them all!

9. When J and I were preparing for marriage, my grandma asked me "How many kids do you want to have?" I responded boldly "EIGHT!" I always wanted a big family, but I have no idea where that number came from! Later, J and I talked more about it and I think he was suprised to say the least! hahhaa

10. I love to decorate, but I love to have everything (EVERYTHING) coordinate! This is the reason I am still struggling with how to decorate the nursery!

If you haven't done this list yet, take some time to do it! It is fun to learn new things about each other!


  1. In regards to #4--swiffer wet jet has revolutionized the way I mop. It no longer sucks and takes about 10 minutes.

  2. I totally understand #1!! I am 5'10 and wear the same size shoe!! I wear them slap out before I buy new ones.

    Fun list!

  3. I am 5'8 and wish I was taller! Eight kids sounds good to me :) I also avoid mopping and anything to do with grout!

  4. I had no idea you were so tall! How did I not know that?

  5.!!! Lots of shoes in tons of sizes! Free shipping and free returns!! Such a great way to shoe shop!

    I've ordered and returned a zillion pairs from them! I'm not a big shopping fan either!

    Ann - Where is your list???

  6. I love the flower one! :) St. Therese is so amazing!

  7. Holey moley, you people are tall!! I would feel like a dwarf among you. :)

    #7 What a gift to know what field of work you love!!!!

    You will be an amazing mother!

  8. I hate mopping!!!!! I love my Swiffer too!

    Remind me that when we meet that I need to wear heels. I'm just over 5 ft tall!

  9. Seriously, the good people at Swiffer should add me to their payroll. I love their products and always tell people I do. My house is now carpet-free and the Swiffer makes cleaning the floors quite simple. Okay, stepping down from my soapbox! :)

    I was surprised at how tall you are when we met in person! It's just interesting when you don't know that about someone.

    I can relate to your #6. I'm not very good with electronics and would live in the dark ages if not for my husband!

  10. Love the flower thing. I hope you share pictures once the nursery is done!
