Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Low is a nice way to say FAIL

How is that for a title?

Yesterday I did the 1 hour glucose test, iron test, thyroid test, and the progesterone draw. I seriously felt like I had an encounter with a vampire! I was wiped out after that, but still went in to work and worked for the next seven hours. I have no idea how I made it through the day. In fact, there were some touch and go moments. I fasted for the draws, so I made sure I grabbed something to eat on the way back to the office. I did not feel so well, but I pushed through mainly sick to my stomach with nausea. I had the weirdest side effect though. I was doing alot of computer work and my right eye seemed to have a black cloud in half of my line of vision. It was scary and it lasted until I went for lunch and once I ate, I felt better.

It was then that I knew I would not hear good results from that glucose test. I had a gut feeling that I will have to do that crazy, miserable 3 hour test.

Then I got a call from Dr. H's office that I missed and when I tried to call back, they were gone for the day. I knew that something had to be wrong my blood results right then. They did not leave a messgae, so I had to wonder about it all night. I knew that they got the results from all my tests except the progesterone, so I was thankfully relieved to not worry about that.

I then head back to work today and first thing when my local ob's office opened I get a call from them telling me that all of the tests I did yesterday were not the best results. A huge not in my stomach formed. Just great.

It turns out my t4 levels were really low (.6), my iron was really low, and that I failed the 1 hour glucose test and would need to do the 3 hour test tomorrow so it would be done before my next appointment with my local ob on 9/9/10. I am not looking foward to it. I remember doing just the two hour test for insulin resistance for Dr. H and was completely wiped out!

So my local doctor told me also told to find a local doctor to manage my thyroid and called me out a Rx for iron. That should really help my fouled up bowels. Just kidding.

So later on in the afternoon, Dr. H's office calls me back and he is concerned about something I did not even know was tested. Apparently that tested my white blood cell count and it was elevated. They did there normal alarming series of questions that makes your freak out about having preterm labor. I have to f/u with my local doctor to ensure there is no UTI or something even though I really don't feel sick or have an infection. I do have days of sinus issues which give me a slight temp, but otherwise I have been feeling better. I do stay tired, but even that was showing some improvement. Working is hard, but I was finding I was doing better every day.

So while I have Dr. H's nurse on the phone I asked her all of my questions and told them I was told to find a doctor to manage my thyroid. She explained to me that t4 has a completely different function to do than the t3, so even though I will still have to stop the t3 meds at 28 weeks, discontinuing that Rx would not affect the t4 levels. I also verified with her what Dr. H believes would be the best time to discontinue the GlucophageXR 1000 mg that I take daily at bedtime. I asked her to ask him directly about this questions because I needed reassurance and direction on what to do.

The nurse from PPVI called me back about 40 minutes later to tell me that he says to stay on the Glucophage throughout the pregnancy and that he is prescribing a synthroid (sp?) for me to take one time a day (in the morning) for the duration of the pregnancy. She reminded me once again to stop the t3 at 28 weeks. Whew. That is alot to take in all in one day. So, I stayed in town until both Rxs were ready.

I tried to not be stressed about it all, but thoughts of worry about why my body seems to be so freaking defective were hard to fend off. I ended up going to the fabric store to look around while I waited for the pharmacy to fill my scripts. I am walking pharmacy - I feel like a lab rat!

The best part of the day was looking for beautiful fabic. I was looking for something that would complement the skirt and bumper I found months ago for the nursery. I found a beautiful swatch, but it still doesn't seem to match!! I still love the fabric, though. I have a wonderful friend who offered to help me make a valence for the room and I would make a little comforter with the same fabric. Only time will tell.

Overall, I am in good spirits. I am so thankful that I can feel Joseph move, that helps to calm my worst fears. The really good thing is that I have two awesome doctors managing my care to promote the best possible health for Joseph and I.

My husband is feeling the stress. He is worried. He got aggravated about the thyroid junk because we all thought it was being managed with the t3 meds. but that just goes to show you that I don't understand the functions of my thyroid very well. Feel free to enlighten me!

Prayers and blessings to you all! My prayers continue for each of you every day!

St. Jospeh, pray for us.

St. Therese, pray for us.

St. Gianna, pray for us.

St. Gerard, pray for us.

St. Elizabeth, pray for us.

St. Ann, pray for us.

St. Veronica, pray for us.


  1. I started on synthroid during pregnancy as well and it really helped my energy level. I hope it helps you too. As for the iron, mine was a little low but I've been eating Total cereal every morning, which is loaded with iron and has good fiber, thus helping with the bowel trouble! I hope that helps. Sorry for the blood sugar test. Yuck. Praying for you :)

  2. Oh gosh, you poor thing! I hope it all works out fine and that you don't have to worry.

    I failed one of my glucose tests and had to do the three hour one. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I hope the same is true for you.

    I will pray for you!

  3. I do not think it is a bad idea to consult another doctor for thyroid. But that is my humble opinion....I think your issues with thyroid need to have more attention paid to them as I feel and I know you can take it with a grian of salt and I won't be offended, I think your thyroid is mismanaged under Dr. Hilgers care. Are you on any T4 now or just T3?

    I know when my T4 was low I was a bundle of mess. I'm sorry you have to feel so yucky and I'm so sorry about the glucose test. I hate sugar. :( I mean I love it, but I hate the side effects. :0 hahaha

    Miralax helps with iron constipation. I know the "range" they like to see iron is in the 90's. I have to supplement it as well but I was fine before pregnant. The only test I did not fail. ;) hahahaha

    If you are having other bowel issues before supplementing the iron I would highly suspect low thyroid hormones obviously you last T4 test proves they are tanked.

    I swear, no one should have to live with symptoms of low thyroid hormones. And it gets my panties in a wad to see when anyone has too because once the basics are learned its pretty cut and dry.

    Ducking drive by shottings. ;)

  4. Oh man. I'm so sorry your results did come back as you'd hoped. I am very glad that you are under the care of really good doctors who are looking out for you and baby. Hopefully they'll get you back on track and I really hope you'll pass the 3 hour glucose test.
    Uggg!! Praying for you as you get all of this under control. I have no doubt that regulating that thyroid will make you feel much better.
    HUGS and PRAYERS for you!

  5. Praying for you! As a bona-fide lab vampire, I know having blood work can be soo very stressful. Your WBC count was probably part of a routine CBC (complete blood count) and they use that to check anemia as well (not going to lie.. I totally checked my own at work this week :D) I was told that an elevated count can be a normal thing in pregnancy? But I guess it would depend on how elevated.. either way - will keep praying for you especially for the 3hour glucose tolerance - may you pass with flying colors!
