Friday, September 3, 2010

Gestational Diabetes

I finally got to talk to the nurse today, who obviously must have been having a rough day, to get the news that my three hour glucose tolerance test still showed elevated blood glucose levels. They were not outrageous numbers from what I could gather from the little bit of information I could get out of her. It was quick call and she was not receptive to questions. I had done a lot of research the night before, so I was more prepared to get the news.

So the plan is they have scripts waiting for me for a glucose monitor and strips and I have to have those scripts filled before I can meet with the nutritionist from the Diabetes Education Dept at the hospital I will be delivering Joseph.

I think that I was barely over the line, but in all honesty I am just relieved that my doctor got me tested early and will be monitoring us even more closely. I do admit I am a bit sad at having another complication with this pregnancy.

It took us 9 1/2 years to get to this miracle pregnancy.

We have two precious babies in heaven.

I have been dealing with less than optimal progesterone levels and beleive that the supplementation has helped a great deal with keeping this pregnancy going, yet I know it all comes down to the will of God!

I have just been diagnosed with anemia, which I am now taking iron meds for that changing how my stomach is handling things.

I have just realized that my thyroid is not fuctioning as it should and it is not even the part of the thyroid that we have been managing care of for the past 3 years.

I have dealt with a less that typical desire for food and have not gained much weight, but this past week have been packing it on. All of the sudden, I am just feeling like I am growing so large when I was already large. It is starting to get uncomfortable and I (hopefully) have a long way to go.

To top it all off - I just started a pretty decent job when all of these new issues have started to arise. The weirdest thing is that now is when I am just starting to have more energy and starting to not have so many feelings of discomfort in certain areas. For the past two days I have been having the extra iron in my system and taking the synthroid. Today I woke up bright eyed and busy tailed before my husband, made his lunch, ate breakfast, caught up on blogs, and then headed to work, worked a full day, went to dinner with my husband and then came home and crashed. I could not have done that a few weeks ago!!! Major improvement. I was thinking that my progesterone levels were the reason I was starting to feel better, but it seems that it is a big puzzle figuring out what will make this a successful pregnancy for me and for a healthy, live birth for Joseph.

The best part of today . . . . Joseph kicking his Daddy! He said he felt him move the other night, but today, Daddy really got to feel a strong kick right under his palm!

God, please keep your hand of protection on Joseph and help me to be the best mommy I could be to protect this little boy growing right under my heart!


  1. Oh C- I am sorry that this complication popped up. I don't know anything about gestational diabetes, but I will pray that all goes well with the monitoring and I agree, it is a blessing they caught it early. I totally missed that you got a new job...ugh, falling behind on blogs - not good. Okay, I am going to go read back and see what you are doing. It sounds like it is a good thing though - so that is great! Congratulations! God Bless you and grow, baby, grow!

  2. My girlfriend had that and she was able to keep it under control with careful monitoring, inwhich you are doing. Keep trusting in the Lord...He'll give you strength to make it through this.

    Congrats on the new job! Amongst some have plenty of positives going on as well! That's a blessing in itself. God bless.

  3. Sorry to hear about the GD. That is lousy. :-(

  4. I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. I am constantly being told that I will most likely develop Type II, but recently Dr. K-K told me of the likelihood of me getting G.D. I thought, "Really? Let us worry about getting the gestation part down before we start on the G.D." ;)

  5. Sorry you have more medical complications popping up. I'm sure your docs will do a great job monitoring you. I'm glad you are feeling better than you were and you like the new job. How awesome that J got to feel Joseph kick.

  6. Oh man. I'm sorry to hear you have to add this to your list of complications. Keeping you in prayer and confident that this little boy is going to be very special, as you offer up all of your difficulties for him. Can't wait to see what he does with all these blessings!

  7. Thanks for your support and prayers, ladies.


    I was thinking that this has to have something to do with my severe battle with PCOS. Is that why Dr. K-K said that? Just curious, I haven't had a chance to reseach if these two are connected. I had severe insulin resistance with it was monitored by Dr. H so I wonder if this was inevitable. Thankfully, diet and exercise can help. Praying. I have never really had high sugar levels before and they have been monitored off and on for years, but there was never any evidence to keep it going. It is a different story now.

  8. Oh my goodness! Thank the Lord that they caught it early!

    I'm praying for you and your dear baby!

  9. Yes. It can be related to the IR (and then PCOS). I am just not responding to diet and medicine the way I should. My weight is normal, but my blood levels are not good. I already eat low carb, but she is restricting the carbs even more (almost none) & increasing metformin to the max amount. She just seemed (to me at least) to suggest that GD was in my future if I did get pregnant and may need insulin (wasn't sure about that part). I have been warned about the Type II stuff by several of my doctors.

  10. back to the commenting and wanted to stop by to say hi...

    I think you are a FABULOUS mother and are doing everything you can to keep yourself healthy and well...
    still praying!

  11. SO sorry to hear of this complication. We know that God is still in control of your situation! None of this is a surprise to Him. I'm very sad that you're having to deal with this stuff, but you are doing a great job working with your doctors to stay on top of it all and be as healthy as possible. That's not easy and I'm proud of you! Keep your chin up and know that the Lord is watching over you and Joseph, and many of us are praying for you. <3

  12. Sorry about the GD and other issues, but your baby is growing strong. Before too long, you'll be able to see the movements as well as feel them. Enjoy them. :)
