Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tears, Conversation, and some peace

Yesterday was a hard day. Not the whole day, but the near end of the day almost made me lose my joy. I can't keep letting things that do not work out keep stealing my joy.

There is a priest that knows my husband and I very well and the two of them have so much in common and think alike alot of the time, it just that this priest is about 25 years older than my husband and has different ways of approaching things.

I haven't seen him in a while and wanted to set an appointment to see him at his office, he is not our parish priest anymore so it is harder to see him. Well, yesterday, he brought up whether or not we had been able to conceive again. Those were not his exact words, but that is what he was meaning. He said it with such joy, that I wondered if I was looking pregnant or something. I handled it well, but I bared my soul to him and said that I am struggling to understand why my husband and I are not on the same page or stage in regard to the world of adoption. I have become so pushy about it, that I asked this priest if I was wrong to assume that adoption is just the next natural step if we are unable to conceive again. He told me no, but that the marriage is the supreme relationship.

I know this . . . but my heart still aches. Why is this? He told me that we are still young and that the adoption option will be available to us for many years and that I don't need to rush it, just wait for my husband to be ready. Wow, more waiting. Part of me thought that I could be pregnant right now and that I could not even be needing to wait any longer, I am painfully hopeful even at this stage.

The way he talked to me so compassionately made my heart feel so safe and he was not judgemental at all or assuming that he had all the answers. I shared with him that I am worried to lose my other tube and the fertility I have left. At that point there would not be a possibility of a child growng in my womb and he said that at that point my husband may need some spiritual care. I agreed, it will be something to be grieved and processed on his end.

He encouraged me to let my husband take the lead in the area of adoption. I will try to do this. I want him to do that. Just like I want to be pursued in an intimate way to join in union with him to concieve a child, I want desperately to have him pursue growing our family in the same manner if adoption is part of God's plan for our lives.

I made a vow to God and to my husband that I will try not to push my own way, but let them both lead us.

It was coming to this place of abandonment of trying to push my way to adoption since around 2003, I realized that I never thought that it could possibly NOT be a part of God's will for my life with my husband. I realized that I have grieved my compromised fertility, I have grieved the loss of Sam, I have grieved the loss of Nicky, I have grieved the loss of my tube, yet I have never, ever allowed myself to grieve that adoption might not be part of God's plan for us. I am still just considering all that has come to light. I do believe that I will be the mother of children in some way and that I will parent a child on earth. I do believe that my husband wants to father a child here on earth and I think that it is only a matter of God's movement until he leads us there, but I need to be patient with God and my husband. They have both been so very patient with me over the years and my mild temper tantrum last night. On my way home, driving alone, I cried and could not stop! I was able to start praying the rosary and then the tears cleared up. Praise God!

When I shared all of this with my husband in the most compassionate way I knew, it shook him to the core. I really thought that I was trying be up front and honest that I was not going to pressure, coerce, or anything anymore. I love him for all he is to me and who God created him to be. I want to nurture his soul, not harm it.

God, I need your grace to be like Mary and say "I am the handmaid of the Lord, do unto me according to your will". AMEN.


  1. Oh Sweetie. This is such a hard place and I know how hard you are trying at surrendering. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen (through my reading eyes) such a beautiful soul as yours. I can’t help but believe that this suffering will be relived in some way . . . in His way.

    Adoption is hard. I’m such an oddball in the IF Catholic blogoshpere in many ways, but I REALLY feel like an oddball when it comes to adoption. My Husband would like to adopt – he has always been open to it and even showed me newspaper articles on being a foster mom and has said he would really like to consider this no matter the “biological outcome.” It is me that has always been hesitant and I assure you, it has nothing to do with not “feeling like a mom” or fears that I would love a child any less. The vague answer is that it’s just a process for people – there are tons of issues for people and not all of it has to do with biology or money. You are in the place and I hope and pray and beg that the 2 of you will see eye-to-eye and be able to pursue whatever God has led you to. It is so important to be open and honest about all of this. God works through honest and openness.

    I pray you have peace tonight and that your suffering will end soon.

  2. Relieved . . . not relived.

    Sometimes you just ignore me :)

  3. Thanks Ann,
    I really appreciate your honesty. I think I have learned how much of a process it is from these blogs.

    Please don't feel like an oddball. Your husband sounds like me, I am always sharing articles, etc or stories on adoption, fostering etc. Yet, it sounds like he made do in a mover come and go way where I would act like a hen clucking :) So far so good, today went well! Enjoyed my husband's company tonight and did not bring up adoption, not once. It may sound simple, but this is huge for me. Plus, I feel more peace about it, not caged, if you know what I mean.

    Have a great evening!

  4. goodness, this is just so so so difficult. I can only imagine how you'd want to take charge. I have to sit here and smile at the way you are committing to allowing your husband to lead you... but oh, how hard!

    I'm praying for you. I know how much you want to have a baby in your arms.

  5. I'm glad you are feeling more surrendering in waiting for J to be ready for adoption. It's definitely hard to surrender, especially since you have been desiring to adopt for many years. I'll be praying that God will lead J's heart to follow His will.

  6. These are really hard and BIG life decisions that you're dealing with, and I think you are doing a really good job and showing great strength. You've had to go through some difficult things (physically & emotionally) up until this point, and on top of that, waiting is so tough!

    I'm praying that you and your husband will continue to grow closer together and closer to the Lord during this time. I hope that your hearts will be in tune with one another as you move forward together.

    P.S. Hope you have a happy birthday! :)

  7. You know, I am sucky commenter. I am sorry!!!
    I am praying this cycle is it for you and you can adopt someday in the future!! :)

    Adoption is a calling...and God will bring your husband to it. And when He does it will just amaze you and seem out of the blue! Just praying silently and let him work it will happen. He'll come around.
