Saturday, January 9, 2010


A good reminder for this stage in my life . . . .

"But when the time comes to enter the darness in which we are naked and
helpless and alone: in which we see the insufficiency of our greatest
strength and the hollowness of our strongest virtues; in which we have
nothing of our own to rely on, and nothing in our nature to support us, and
nothing in the world to guide us or give us light - then we find out whether
or not we live by faith.

It is in this darkness, when there is nothing left in us that can please or
comfort our own minds, when we seem to be useless and worthy of all
contempt, when we seem to have failed, and when we seem to be destroyed and

It is then that the deep and secret selfishness that is too close to
identify is stripped away from our souls: it is in this darkness that we
find true liberty.
It is in this abandonment that we are made strong.
This is the night that empties us and makes us pure."

from Thomas Merton in New Seeds of Contemplation


  1. thank you for this... abandonment. yes. how hard!

  2. Beautiful!

    Why can't I think like this on my own?! :-)

    I'm going to check out his writings. Thanks, LIM. I needed this.

  3. I was telling my husband about this and he holds up the book he is just finished reading - The Seven Story Mountain by Thomas Merton. He hasn't read the other one, but it is on his list to do this year.

  4. Ann, it is a classic!

    Hope you two are doing well! This really speaks so clearly of the suffering and loss we have both experienced.

    Makes me long for heaven in a new way, although I will make every day here on earth the best I can :)

  5. That last paragraph was exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you!

  6. that feels like the walk of infertility. Perfect how many times I feel and felt that way....

    I agree with Ann.... :)
